Page 54 of Fighting for Foster

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He's hitting me with painful memories I keep concealed inside a murky catacomb never to be unearthed. So much has happened in the last few hours. It's all too much to process. "I'm weak right now, Foster. Going through a rough time."

"I know." He twists my hair behind my ear and grins. "I need you to get stronger. I'll give you my strength."

I nod and swallow the lump in my throat. "I'll talk to my dad about Renzo again. But give me some time before I tell him about us. This is all so new, and we don't know how it will work out."

His eyebrows pinch together and his forehead creases. His gaze moves from my eyes to my mouth like he's measuring me and deciding whether to give in or not. Finally, he nods. "I'll give you some time, Mila, if that's what you need, but not long. Soon, I'm gonna make my intentions known."

"What are your intentions?"

He grins and his eyes sparkle. "You're gonna be mine."

I have to bite my lip to hide my surprise and full-on smile. He wants me to be his. As much as I want that too… "It feels so impossible."

"The Unstoppable Foster never loses." He kisses me with his normal casual confidence.

"I hope you're right." I'm not sure of anything. This all feels so ephemeral and fragile.

"I am right. We will make it through this somehow. Together."

My eyes sting and a tear escapes my eye. "I have to go."

He presses his forehead to mine and closes his eyes as his thumb wipes the moisture from my cheek. "Your life is gonna get better. All these dark days will be a distant memory."

More tears are about to spill over, and I have to get up and get out of here before I totally collapse into one of my debilitating crying sessions. I don't want Foster to see me like that.

We break apart, and he holds my hand as he walks me down to my car. Before I get in, he presses me up against the back door of my Jetta. "Trust me on this one."

I look down and nod. I hope he's right. I really do.

"Trust me on this one and in the future. If shit comes up again, remember, I'm the one being honest and telling you the truth. All right?"

"Okay, Foster."


Back at home, I walk in on the guests sitting in the study drinking an after-dinner liquor.

"Mila!" My dad stands and walks over to give me a hug. "Are you all right? We were worried about you."

"I'm so sorry, Dad." I walk into the room and plaster on a smile worthy of an award. "I don't know what happened. I'm better now. I'm so happy you're all here for my birthday." My uncles and Donnie don't even look up from their collection of cigars on the table in front of them. Renzo and my aunts are offering me a stiff smile, attempting to be polite until they can return to their conversations.

"Sit next to me, sweetheart." My dad sits on the couch and pats the seat next to him.

Normally I would excuse myself and go to my room, but I've already acted suspiciously tonight. I have to stay and feign interest in their gossip and business chatter. I sit down and nod, but in my mind, I'm with Foster in his beautiful apartment with the green couch and view of the river. His hands are in my hair and he's telling me he's always thought of me. He's saying he's risked so much to be with me. He's saying my life is going to get better. It's not so hard to fake a smile when I think of those things.

Ten minutes later, Charlotte enters the room with a grand, three-tier birthday cake that looks more like a wedding cake. Everyone looks up from what they're doing and my father leads them in a round of "Tanti Auguiri a Te." After applause and another version of the song, I blow out the candles and make my secret wish.

"Please let Foster be right."

Chapter 15 Henry

My heart drums against my ribs as I take the elevator up to Foster's apartment.

I just texted my dad and said I was spending the night at the new Sinclair Luxury Spa and Hotel because Mrs. Sinclair had invited me to stay there to celebrate the grand opening. He likes it when I endorse new businesses in person. It gives them credibility and he expects they'll return the favor by attending more of my parties and donating. Of course, there is no new spa or grand opening, but my dad doesn't follow that stuff and will never know.

Foster swings the door open and swoops out to grab me by the waist and pull me inside. He's instantly kissing me and I'm laughing, trying to keep up with his enthusiasm. My bag falls to the floor as he bends me back. "What are you doing here?" His smile is brilliant.

"I told my dad I was staying at a spa."

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