Page 22 of Fighting for Foster

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"Down. It's so long now. Down to her hips. The front swept to the side, no jewelry." She looked carefree, stunning, sexy. If not for the storm, it would have been fun to watch her in action at a pool party. Does she work the room or clique up with her friends? She probably gives everyone equal time.

He sits back in his chair too and soaks up the sun. "The storm ruin the party?"

"Yeah. Can you believe the sunshine today when yesterday was a howling mess?"

He grunts.

The image of her coming outside and asking the servants to come inside appears in my mind. "We took cover in the wine cellar."

"How'd that go?"

"We talked. We drank wine."

"Did you bang her?"

"No, it wasn't like that. I wouldn't take advantage anyway."

"Good. You make plans to see her again?"


"Why not?"

"Her brother and father came looking for her. They were not happy to find her slumming with the likes of me."

He sits up and I match his position. We need to look each other in the eye for this. "Did she say that?"

"No, but her brother said she was out of my league. Her father called me a street urchin and warned me off her."

"You gonna listen?" He takes a sip of water from the cup on his side table.

Am I? Our first meeting in years could not have gone worse. Is there any way it could get better? My teeth grate and I have to hold back my anger. It's not Henry's fault. "What the fuck am I supposed to do? She comes with her family. They hate me. She won't leave them, and they'll never let her go."

The lines on his forehead come together with his frown. "So, you're giving up?"

"Yeah." It sucks but Mila is a never ending frustration for me. I can't get close to her. Even if I can, she'll never be mine.

He slowly shakes his head. Disagreeing with me in the nicest way possible. He's good with people like that. He persuades with quiet compassion. "Then focus on your Round Table training."

"Nah. That's just a fantasy. Something I tell myself to keep me motivated for my workout."

"Why do you think you can't have what you want? Why do you follow that girl and say you can't have her? Why do you train for that competition and say you'll never win?"

I'm tired and Henry is hitting me hard. I give him an impatient glare. He knows me. He doesn't need to ask and I hate talking about it. "I don't have the best track record."

I sit back in my chair and squint as the sun hits my eyes, but Henry's still leaning toward me, not letting me out of this uncomfortable conversation. "Are we talking about her family or her now?"


"You have a family now. I'm it. My kids are your siblings."

I shake my head. I never intrude on him when he's with his kids.

"If her father knew the man you are, he'd accept you. And she would love you if you didn't push her away like the others." Henry always has this unconditional confidence in me, but he has no concept how big the walls are between her world and mine.

"Maybe." I've been through a lot of girls who wanted me to open up and I never did. It didn't feel right.

"Have you ever told a girl you were dating about your mom?"

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