Page 52 of The Christmas Catch

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He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m making a mess of things.” He met her gaze head on. “I’m turning over my rights.” He leaned down and pulled some papers out of his briefcase.

Her heart thudded in her chest. “I don’t understand.”

“Like I was saying, I need to devote my time to Angie. She needs me. So I am signing over my parental rights.” He pushed the papers toward her.

Bebe stared down in confusion, skimming the paperwork. She gasped and looked up. “You don’t want to be Hope’s father anymore?” Was he serious?

He winced. “It’s not like that. She has you, and I’m sure you’ll marry again someday. If you do, he can adopt Hope, and she can have a real family. Angie ... well, Angie needs me to devote all my time to our family.”

“You cannotbe serious. You don’t just get to check some box and stop being Hope’s father, Will. After all, she has half of your DNA!” She drew in a breath, placing her hands against the tabletop. “You can’t just give up your rights, Will.”He can’t.

“I actually can. I’ve already talked to a lawyer. All you have to do is sign in agreement, and it’ll be a done deal.” He gulped. “Um, it will also stop child support.”

Of course it would.

“But I’d be willing to set up an account for her.” He shrugged. “I could still give you some money if you aren’t doing so well.”

“Why? That’s something afatherwould do.” She folded her arms across her chest.

“Look, Lucille, I’m married and have to take into account my wife’s wishes. Surely you understand that.”

This was rich. This ...bozocheated on her, and now he was appealing to her for understanding so he could abdicate the responsibility of being a father to Hope? To parent someunborn child like her precious baby hadn’t existed for seven years already?

“You’ll follow Angie’s wishes to the detriment of your child?”

Sorrow filled his eyes. “Please just sign the papers.”

An ache filled her throat as hot tears welled against her eyes. Time seemed to stop as she stared at the paperwork. How could she do this? Sign papers agreeing that he would no longer be her child’s father? It was just ...wrong.

“It would make this easier,Bebe,please.”

Her eyes shot to his.

“I’ll make sure she won’t want for anything,” he said.

“Except the presence of her father.”

Will remained silent.

“You know what?” She scooted her chair back. “I can’t do this. I can’t look her in the eye and say I agreed to this. Let the courts solve it.”

She walked away, heart breaking for her precious child.

The next day, Jahleel stood next to Bebe in Wal-Mart, staring at the karaoke machines. “You really think this is a good idea? I can’t see many people wanting to do karaoke.”

The idea of karaoke at a Christmas ball was a little weird to him. But that was the last thing on his mind. He wanted to know what had happened with Will and erase the sadness that clung to Bebe like tinsel on a Christmas tree.

“Why not? The whole point of this is to come together and enjoy ourselves. What’s better than singing Christmas songs for karaoke? The congregation will probably join in. Even your dad can’t argue with some heavenly worship.”

He laughed, throwing his head back. “Obadiah Walker can argue about everything. But you might be right.”

“Good. Then let’s test this out.” She nudged him with a wink, but still the smile didn’t reach her eyes.

“You got jokes, girl. I amnotdoing karaoke.” He didn’t want to hear his voice or do some kind of song and dance.

“Come on, Jay. It’ll be fun. You can sing the song with the hippo.”

His heart stuttered. It wasn’t fair that she could bat those eyes and he’d willingly do her bidding. “Bebe,” he groaned.

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