Page 36 of The Christmas Catch

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Her eye twitched. “Are you saying you think God wants the two of you to be together?”

“He’s not saying no. And believe me, I ask about every potential man. This is the first time I have warm fuzzies.” May got a faraway look in her eyes.

Bebe wrapped her arms around her waist, glanced at Hope, then May, and lowered her voice further. “I wish I had done that with Will.”

“It’s not too late.”

“Will’s already remarried.” Besides, she wanted nothing to do with him. He broke their covenant the moment he slept with Angie.

“Not withhim.” May made a sound of disgust. “I’m talking about Jay. Come on, think about it. The man just happens to blow out a knee within driving distance of his hometown? Where you live because you returned three years ago? Maybe your timing is finally right now.”

Bebe’s stomach did a funny flip. Would God really use Jahleel’s knee injury to bring them together? Could May be onto something?

“Think about us. We’re good as friends, butyou and I both know we’re much better in a romantic relationship.”

“Think about it, Bebe. Okay?”

First Jay and now May. All Bebe could do was nod, too stunned to speak.Lord, what do I do? You wouldn’t really put us back together, would You? I mean, isn’t there too much hurt, too much pain, a lack of trust, even?She bit her lip, subconsciously taking the next steps to propel her through the donut line.I’m sorry I never asked if Will was for me, Lord. I pray that You would bless me withwisdom. Help me to know if Jay’s for meor if this is some crazy Christmas magic–induced brainhaze. In Jesus’s name, amen.

Hope clapped her hands with delight. They were next in line. Her daughter reached for two plates, a glazed and powdered donut plate.

“Just one, Hope dear. We have to make sure everyone gets a plate,” Ms. Barbara Ann stated.

“I’m getting one for Mr. Walker since he can’t walk so good.”

“Aren’t you just a peach.” Barbara Ann beamed at Hope, then turned to Bebe. “You’re doing a fine job, Mama.”

“Thank you.”It’s all You, Lord.She thanked Him for her beautiful little girl. Bebe rubbed Hope’s shoulder in praise.

As they headed toward Jay, Bebe braced herself. She had no idea when God would answer her prayer and bless her with wisdom. Until then, she’d continue to guard her heart and ensure Jahleel Walker wouldn’t catch it, only to fumble and leave her bruised and hurting.

Now that Jahleel had Bebe where he wanted her—in his presence—he had to remember his game plan. The offense was to show her the ways he’d matured. Show her he could listen and that he was serious about dating her with commitment in mind. But he also had to show her he would be good to Hope and not give her cause for concern in the parental arena. It seemed like a tall order, but Jay knew he had the mental fortitude. If he could get ready any given Sunday—or Thursday or Monday night, or playoff Saturday—prepared to be tackled as he headed for the end zone, then he could handle whatever Bebe threw his way. His skill as a wide receiver was top-notch. Instead of catching a football, he wanted to catch her heart.

Bebe Gordon was all warmth and joy. Her overall personality still tugged at him like it had in high school. Somehow he felt grounded when he was around her. She was the only woman who brought out this side in him. Not only that, but time with the Lord had given Jahleel the mindset that God would okay their dating lifeandfuture.

Would she shoot him down if he asked her on a date right now?

Never know unless you ask.

And therein lay the crux. It terrified him to think of her rejection, which meant he also felt immense guilt for rejecting her in the past. Ryan was right. Jay needed a Hail Mary or, in this case, a Christmas miracle.

“Do you like your donut, Mr. Walker?”

He looked at Hope. The same green eyes as her mother shone in her warm brown face. Her hair had been parted down the middle and gathered into two curly pigtails. She was adorable. “It’s perfect. Thanks, Hope.”

“You’re welcome!” She beamed at him.

Yep, adorable.“How’s yours?” He pointed to her plate.

“Great! Powdered ones are my fav,” she said around a mouthful.

“Hope,” Bebe scolded.

Her daughter gave a sheepish smile, cheeks puffed up like a chipmunk. He chuckled, staring at Bebe inconspicuously out of the corner of his eye. Then he glanced toward Ryan and May, who were grinning from ear-to-ear. Ryan had the right idea. Just lay it all out. No games. No pretenses. Just be himself.

You got this, Walker.


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