Page 27 of The Christmas Catch

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Hope beamed, showing off her missing front teeth. Yeah, Hope Gordon was an adorable kid, and her father was definitely missing out. Maybe Jay would make sure to come over and hang out with the two Gordon women so they weren’t lonely this Christmas season.

Yeah, I’m sure you’re thinking that out of the kindness of your heart.

Obviously it had nothing to do with the fact that Bebe lightened his burdens and made him feel peace. And maybe, just maybe, she could help him enjoy this Christmas.



The sounds of “Blue Christmas” accompanied Bebe as she drove down the road toward His House Fellowship. The stress of the day drained away as her body relaxed against the driver’s seat, her head weaving to the music. The atmosphere in the car made her want to rush home and turn on the Hallmark Channel. Besides celebrating Jesus’s birth, she lived and breathed Christmas movies. Thank goodness she had the streaming app to watch all of them.

Her mind flitted to Jay. Decorating her house and icing the Christmas cookies with him and Hope had done something to her heart. It was like a part she hadn’t known about had received healing and felt the balm of a friendship. The joy of the time together had quenched places that had been far too dry in her heart. Now all she had to do was remind herself why engaging any romantic fancies was a very bad, no-good idea.

Her mind shifted as the white steeple of the church loomed in front of her. It reached for the heavens, and the point disappeared into an overcast sky.

Please don’t rain.She didn’t have an umbrella and especially hated driving in wet weather. The streets of Peachwood Bayquickly morphed into red sludge with the slightest hint of precipitation.

There were only a couple of cars sitting in the church parking lot when she turned into it. May’s red Honda sparkled in the front row, a few spots down from the Reverend’s vehicle. Who knew May would beat Bebe here? She chuckled softly. May was probably climbing the walls, wishing for someone to help keep her from having to talk to Reverend Walker.

Bebe grabbed her monogramed tote—a gift from a student the previous year—and headed inside. The warmth of the vestibule enveloped her as the double doors closed behind her. Strands of the “Hallelujah” chorus from Handel’sMessiahwashed over her as she stood in the hall.

Reverend Walker loved classical music. He was convinced it was God’s music. Personally, she liked all music, but she had to admit, walking into the sanctuary with stringed instruments serenading her made her think of the pearly gates and angels singing to the Lord.

She turned and headed down the side corridor, toward the back of the building where the conference room was situated. She removed her gloves and kept walking, stuffing them into the tote. A nudge cautioned her, and she slowed, looking up at the same time.


Nerves made her stomach dip up and down as if she rode a Ferris wheel at the state fair. He wore a tracksuit, his knee brace firmly supporting his leg while his arms clutched his crutches. Why did he have to look so good in something so basic?

So he’s handsome. Acknowledge the factand move on.

“What are you doing here?” And why was she excited to see him? Had time spent with him yesterday turned her into a woman who felt a pitter-patter at just his presence?

No, Bebe. You’re friends. Be cool.

“Mom asked me to attend the committee meeting since I offered to foot the bill.”

Oh.“Makes sense.”

His pale pink lips curved upward. “Plus, I wanted to hang out with my friend.”

Friend.She blinked. “Do you need me to find you a chair to prop up that leg?” She slowly moved forward, disappointment tugging at her. But why? They were good at being friends. Wasn’t she just thanking God for that a moment before?

“Nah, Mom has that covered.”

“Okay.” She bit her lip. Now what?

Jahleel gestured toward the conference room. “Come meet my friend Ryan.”


“My physical therapist.”

Right.“You brought your therapist to the committee meeting?”

He shrugged. “He wants to make sure I don’t overdo it. Come on.”

She matched Jay’s pace. When she entered the conference room, she stopped short. May sat across from a tall, white gentleman, and she was ... giggling? Bebe’s mouth dropped open in shock. Never had her friend exhibited such a giddy façade. It was a bit unnerving.

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