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Her heart pinched with concern, pulling her from memory lane. Jay wore a full-leg brace, and his parents flanked each side of him. He was hurt? Had it happened playing football or in some kind of car accident?

Bebe pushed the car door open, barely noting the sound of Hope’s opening as well. Before she could caution her feet or brace her heart, she’d met the Walkers on their front lawn. “What happened?”

Mrs. Walker turned, her brow wrinkled with heartbreak. Bebe could only imagine the torture the woman was going through. No one wanted to see their child hurt, even if he stood at five-ten with corded muscle. A mother’s heart would always see the baby she gave birth to.

“He tore three ligaments in his knee during the Thanksgiving game.”


“That sucks,” her daughter commented.

“Hope Marie Gordon!”

Her daughter stepped back, head dipping in shame. “Sorry, Mama.”

Bebe shook her head, observing Jahleel. He turned slightly, eyes unfocused as he glanced her way. Her heart dipped again, but for a different reason this time.Lord, have mercy! Why ishe still so good-looking?His warm brown skin leaned a little toward the lighter side but remained darker than her complexion. His coffee-colored eyes beckoned to her, daring her to remember their past.

She blinked, trying to bring herself back to reality. There should be a rule that you could only return to your hometown with a bald head and a potbelly. Yet the muscles rippling his forearms as he gripped the crutches could not be ignored, nor the way his full lips caught her attention. Jahleel Walker had only improved with time.

So not fair, Lord.

“We told him to come home. He needs someone to nurse him back to health.” Mrs. Walker’s hands fluttered nervously at her side.

Rumor had it that Jay had been kicked out of the Walker household shortly after his college graduation. Bebe had been shocked when she heard about it. Sure, everyone knew Reverend Walker didn’t approve of his son’s love of football, but surely that wasn’t the reason his son had been banished fromtheir home. Jay had confided in her about his dad’s behavior when they were in high school, but once he’d cut off all ties with her, she lost the inside scoop.

Had Jay willingly returned home, or had there been no other choice? Then again, if he remained as heavily medicated as he was right now, his location might not even register. She gave an inward shake of the head.

“We need to get him inside,” Reverend Walker stated.

Before Bebe could nod in agreement, Jahleel’s eyes seemed to find their focus, narrowing on her face. Lines appeared around his eyes as they crinkled with amusement. “Bebe Willabee.”

The use of her maiden name brought her eyes back to his mouth, perfectly framed by his neatly edged beard and mustache.The better to catch your eye.

A goofy smile appeared on his face. “Don’t you look like a fine Georgia peach.”

Wow. Those must be some Grade A painkillers. “Hey, Jay.”

“Bebe.” A chuckle slipped through, as if he found their reunion funny. She guessed the medication prevented him from feeling the awkwardness of a twelve-year reunion.

Her mouth twitched. Despite how their relationship ended, Bebe didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at his current state.

Jahleel squinted as he looked back and forth between her and Hope. “Either you have a mini-me, or I’m more tired than I thought.”

“He’s funny, Mama.” Hope giggled.

Jay tilted his head. “You have a child?”

“I do.” Why did her stomach tense at the admission? It wasn’t like she’d cheated on Jay. He’d broken up with her, and she found someone new. Though she could now say her ex-husband hadn’t been the wisest choice.

“Huh? How did that happen?”

Reverend Walker shook his gray head. Lines drew his facedownward, either with age or disapproval. One could never tell with the good pastor. “You can catch up later, son. Let’s get you inside.”

“Bye, Bebe. I have to go before I get in trouble.” Jay snickered with amusement.

She watched as Mrs. Walker held the door open while Reverend Walker escorted the prodigal into their brown craftsman bungalow.

A tug on her arm captured her attention. “Mama, I’mhungry.”

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