Page 19 of The Christmas Catch

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“The people of His House aren’t a charity case.” His father’s bark rattled his ears. “We can contribute.”

“You know what, that’s a good idea.” Jahleel looked at his father, stretching his mouth upward in a false smile. He’d never let the old man know his digs hit their mark. “We could make it a charity ball. I’ll foot the bill for renting the town hall and anything else that needs purchasing, whilethe attendees can contribute an offering to go to a local charity of your choice.”

“Oh! What about an angel tree?” Bebe looked around the table.

“That’s a great idea,” his mom said. “However, I’m sure those in need will need their gifts before Christmas. Maybe we make that separate from the ball.”

Nods around the table met her comment.

“All in favor of a ball?” his mom asked.

Hands shot up around the room along with cautious glances toward his father. And it hit Jahleel. He wasn’t the only one who disagreed with the Reverend’s antics. Yet they all stayed and hung around him. Why?

Where else would they go when there’s only two placesof worship in town and the other is a Catholic church?Or maybe there was something more Jahleel was missing. Perhaps if he stuck around for the holidays, he’d figure it out.



They were throwing a Christmas ball. The irony wasn’t lost on her. One minute Bebe was lamenting the horrors of rich men and their wallets, and the next she was planning a party with a rich man and his wallet.A selfless one.Okay, so the wallet couldn’t be selfless, but Jay had certainly surprised her.

He even wanted the children to attend.

Be still her beating heart. It seemed Jahleel still had a caring spirit. With the passage of time, it was hard to know just how much of the boy she’d given her heart to in high school still existed. He’d always been so kind, and offering to fund the ball and talk of a photo booth showed that hadn’t changed. He certainly was making it difficult for her to forget the good times and focus on the way he stomped on her heart.

She handed a bowl of ice cream to May, who was curled up on Bebe’s gray sectional. Hope had already settled into bed, so it was a little quiet in the house.

“I can’t believe the Rev agreed to a ball.” May snorted. “Did you see his face when Jay suggested it? I thought he was going to have a coronary.”

“I’m pretty sure he did once we left.”

May winced. “You think he’s over there ranting and raving?” She gasped. “Will he kick his son out again?”

Bebe licked peach ice cream off her spoon. “Is that rumor even true?” Never mind, Jay had mentioned it the other day.

“Of course it is. Gossip moves like lightning, and thanks to some people’s attention to detail, the story elements all matched up.”

“But how could he kick Jay out just because he went to the NFL? It makes no sense.”

Bebe couldn’t imagine doing something like that to Hope. Of course, she didn’t want her daughter playing tackle football, with the high risk of injury that brought, but somehow she doubted that was the Reverend’s concern. Growing up next door to Jay had shown her how harsh Obadiah Walker could be. He was a little blustery in his sermons too, but Bebe had never doubted his love for God. In the same way, she’d always imagined that Reverend Walker loved Jay no matter what. But did Jay hold that same belief?

“You know the Rev wanted Jay to be a preacher, right?” May’s words came out more statement than question.

Of course. But Jay had never felt the call. “Well, kicking him out because he refused to follow in his footsteps doesn’t allow the Reverend to throw a pity party.”

“No kidding.” May took a bite. “Why are we eating this? It’s almost forty degrees outside.”

“Outside, yes. But we’re inside. Besides, you can eat ice cream any time of year.”

“Hmm, I’m inclined to disagree with you, but this flavor is divine.” May wiggled her eyebrows.

“You can’t live in Georgia and not like peach ice cream.”

“Somewhere there’s a person who hates that flavor, but it’s not me.” May smiled as she shoveled a huge spoonful into her mouth.

“What am I going to do with you?”

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