Page 17 of The Christmas Catch

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Laughter reached his ears. Had his parents invited more people over for dinner? Could Bebe be out there? The urge to hobble out of his self-imposed exile grew within him. If Bebe wasn’t out there, no worries; he’d simply tell everyone he was hungry. If she was...

You’ll what? Do you really think she wants to resume a friendship, considering howyou ended things?

Maybe not, but Bebe was his only friend in Peachwood Bay. The only one he could be himself around and not expect censure.

Jahleel placed his crutches in position, rising on his good leg like Ryan had shown him. He could already feel a difference in his left leg. It didn’t ache from the extra weight but accepted the load. Carefully, he headed toward the sound of laughter.

The glow from the kitchen cast a shadow on the hallway.They must be in the eating area. The smell of fried foods drifted his way. Visions of hush puppies and catfish danced in his head. He hadn’t eaten this much fried food since he was a teenager, back when he could eat all he wanted without worry of gaining weight.

He stepped into the all-white kitchen, and the chatter stopped. Everyone turned to look at him.

“What are you doing up?” Irritation filled his father’s coal-black eyes. “Shouldn’t you be resting?” Those words were a little softer than his initial question. Did his father really care, or was he pretending since they had company?

“I’m hungry.” His stomach growled on cue. Thank goodness his cover became the focal point, because Bebe sat right at the table.Huh. That’s a newtable.

Her hair had been gathered into a ponytail. Instead of making her look plain, it accentuated her gorgeous heart-shaped face. And those eyes. The green depths had haunted his dreams since he’d returned home.

“Sure you are.” May smirked.

“I can fix you something to eat, Jay.” Ms. Barbara Ann smiled his way from her position in front of the stove.

“Thanks, ma’am.” He ignored May’s stare and her double meaning.

Ms. Barbara Ann gave him a side hug. “How’s that knee doin’, chil’?”

“It’s a pain, but I’ll live.”

“To God be the glory.” She pointed toward the dining table that fit eight people. “You want fried shrimp, catfish, or both?”

His stomach rumbled. “I’ll have the catfish, please.”

“Fries and hush puppies?”

He grinned. He’d been right. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Good to know you didn’t lose your manners in the NFL.”

“He better not have.” His mom chuckled.

Jahleel hobbled toward the end of the table. He stopped, searching for a way to prop up his leg.

“Here.” Bebe stood. “You can use this.” She pointed to her vacated seat. “Do you need a cushion?”

Movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention. His mom smiled, mouthing the wordsthank you.

“Thanks, Bebe.”

“Sure.” She walked out of the kitchen and came back with a pillow. Carefully, she lifted his leg and slid the pillow underneath it. “How’s that?”


“We were talking about the Christmas program, Jay. Maybe you can stay and offer some suggestions?” His mom’s eyes shined with hope.

“All right.” He thought about what Bebe had said about enjoying the time with his parents. The least he could do was sit here and listen. Anything to make his mom happy.

She beamed and motioned toward his father. “Go ahead, Obadiah.”

“Let us pray.”

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