Page 90 of For You I'd Break

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Poppy nodded. “We could open a bakery anywhere, but Peace Falls makes the most sense. Not only do we have a free place to live and work, but Mom knows a ton of people in the special event industry. We could even cross promote each other’s businesses.”

“I’m not sure I can live in a place as small as Peace Falls after living in DC for so long.”

“Of course, you can,” Poppy said, gently. “It’s whether or not you want to.”

Lauren let out a loud snore, and Poppy and I burst out laughing. “What,” she stammered, lifting her head. “Did I fall asleep?”

“That has to be the most expensive nap in the history of naps,” Poppy laughed.

Lauren waved her hand. “Nah, any surgery where you go under would cost more.”

“Yeah, about that,” I said.

Poppy and Lauren both snapped their attention to me with matching frowns.

“I might need back surgery. Which is why starting my own business without health insurance wouldn’t be a good idea.”

“So, you COBRA your old policy until you can enroll in an open market plan in November,” Lauren said. “Besides, if you need a job, I’m happy to hire you.”

“No,” Poppy said. “You can buy her baked goods and hire Cammie full time. Assuming Rowan decides she’s woman enough to live in Peace Falls.”

Lauren and Poppy both looked at me with hopeful expressions. I blew out a breath. “I’m considering it,” I said. “I’ve enjoyed being in the mountains again and spending time with y’all.”

Lauren squealed and Poppy smiled. I hadn’t realized how few friends I had in DC until I had the chance to see Lauren and Poppy whenever I wanted. Though we’d just met, Cammie could easily become someone I could count on to grab dinner or a coffee. But living in Peace Falls meant seeing Cal. Even if I moved off Sullivan Street, we’d still cross paths. Poppy seemed smitten with Theo, which would put Cal and me together from time to time. Heck, I couldn’t go to the grocery store without the risk of running into him. It was inevitable. As much as I didn’t want to think about Cal, I needed to know what to expect the next time I saw him.

“Do you think Cal was upset because of me?” I asked Lauren.

She nodded. “I think he might be afraid to get close to people after what happened to Logan.”

“Bullshit,” Poppy said, swinging her feet to the floor, flashing us both. “He’s gotten close to plenty of people since then. Cammie makes it sound like he’s her brother, and Chris says the same. Cal’s capable of loving people. He just hasn’t let that extend beyond friendships.”

Lauren stared up at the ceiling while Poppy wiggled into her robe. “I agree. But it’s different being friends with someone and allowing yourself to be vulnerable enough to fall in love.”

“Speaking from experience there?” I asked.

Lauren shrugged. “Are you decent, Poppy?”

“Never,” Poppy said, tying the sash of her robe in a knot.

“At least she’s honest,” I said, with a laugh, covering myself with a sheet as I slipped into my own robe. I let out a breath and put my head in my hands. “I forgot to tell Cammie to cancel my PT session tomorrow.”

“No problem,” Lauren said, tightening her robe. “I’ll text her after we eat. I’d already planned to check in with her later. Let’s stop on the way upstairs and make a reservation for dinner.”

“Tell Cammie to move Rowan’s appointment to Tuesday,” Poppy said. She walked to my table and gripped my shoulders. “You’re not letting your back get worse because Cal can’t pull his head from his ass. Besides, any longer than that, and you’ll work yourself up too much. Better to get it over with.”

I nodded.

“You could just switch your appointment to Dr. Cohen,” Lauren said.

“No,” I said. “Caleb is not losing his job because of me. We’re adults. I only have two sessions left. I might as well finish them this week, whether I decide to move or stay.”

“Great,” Poppy said, helping me from the table. “Let’s make that reservation. I could hear Rowan’s stomach rumbling across the room.”

“Oh,” Lauren said, standing. “I have the perfect dress for you, Poppy. It’s floral.”

Poppy made a gagging sound, and a huge laugh burst through the ache in my chest.

They both stared at me. I laughed harder, bending at the waist and gripping my knees.

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