Page 8 of For You I'd Break

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“Bullshit it’s fine,” Aiden said, flopping back into the armchair. “Four more one-star reviews today, and the comments, fuck.”

“Don’t read the comments,” I said.

“Do you?” Theo asked.

“Of course not,” I said. “They’re all bullshit. It’s just Avery throwing a hissy fit.”

“Well, it’s working,” Aiden said. “You’re down to three stars on Google.”

“Has that impacted your schedule at all?” Theo asked. “I couldn’t make rent if I had a three-star rating. People would think I gave shitty tattoos or spread Hep C.”

“My business would suffer too,” Aiden said, his eyes laser-focused on the game. The thrill of the competition, no matter the sport, always drew him in eventually. Otherwise, Theo would have us watching movies with subtitles at least once a month.

“My work is different,” I said, opening my second beer. “People look for a provider in-network with their insurance. The reviews are secondary.”

“And how many providers are in Peace Falls?” Theo asked.

“Four,” I said.

“Plus, ten more within a fifteen-mile drive,” Aiden said. “And most take the same insurances he does.”

“So, he’s screwed,” Theo said.

“I had some reviews removed,” I said, shifting to find a comfortable spot on the couch. This conversation wasn’t what I had in mind when I invited them over. I wanted to drink a couple beers with my friends and relax, not detail my imploding career. “It just takes a while.”

“Which means Avery can replace them faster than you can have them taken down,” Aiden said.

Theo shook his head. “What were you thinking, getting involved with her again?”

“All of us can’t be celibate,” I said. Theo turned his attention to the game, and I felt like an asshole.

“Doesn’t mean you had to go for seconds with that crazy bitch,” Aiden said, stretching his arms over his head. Something ripped and he grinned.

“It was supposed to be casual. I’m too busy to date anyone for real.”

“Still?” Aiden said.

That hurt. Apart from a few repeat patients, my schedule the first two weeks of June had been painfully light. My boss had started to notice, and it was only a matter of time before I had to explain that the practice, and by extension his bottom line, was suffering because of my personal life.

I knew Avery was angry when I broke things off, but I’d assumed she’d cool down after she posted a few negative reviews. I thought I’d be able to have them removed before it affected my cumulative ratings. I hadn’t counted on her adding more. Aiden was right. Avery was steadily destroying my professional reputation no matter how many posts I reported. “I’ll meet up with her and talk it out. I’m positive she’ll help getmy ratings back where they were as soon as she’s calmed down a little.”

“Too bad she hates dogs,” Theo said and rubbed Skye’s head. “I always feel calmer when I spend time with Skye.”

“If Skye helps so much,” Aiden said. “Why don’t you get your own dog?”

“My landlord doesn’t allow pets.”

“So move,” I said.

“You don’t want to share your dog anymore? That’s cold, brother.”

“You’re always welcomed to visit Skye, but why not get your own?”

“You know why,” he said, quietly. I wanted to call him on his bullshit, but it wouldn’t help. It never did.

“I could go for a Meat Lovers from Peppers,” Aiden said.

“Get a tomato pie too,” Theo added.

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