Page 78 of For You I'd Break

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Rowan laid flat on her back, breathing hard.

“How many more sessions does she have prescribed?” Adam asked.

“Two,” Rowan and I answered together.

Adam looked at me and shook his head. As much as I disliked the man, he’d been a PT decades longer than me, and he’d just confirmed what I’d suspected. The exercises had helped Rowan, but they hadn’t diminished her pain as much as I’d hoped. The issue was likely her discs. She’d need an MRI and possibly surgery at some point. With continued exercise, she could postpone it, but she’d always have pain.

Rowan looked up at me, worry etched on her beautiful face.

“Great work, young lady,” Adam said. “You too, Dr. Cardoso,” he added before heading back to his office.

“He seemed upset,” Rowan said, standing. “So do you.”

“Let’s do some work with the resistance bands,” I said, placing a hand on the small of her back and rubbing gentle circles.

“Caleb?” she asked looking up at me.

I blew out a breath. “You should request an MRI after our last session.”

She nodded. “I know,” she said in a quiet voice. “My back feels a lot better than when we started, but it still hurts every day.”

I wanted to pull her into a hug. Instead, I set up the bands and guided her into the next exercise. She followed my directions but was otherwise quiet. I assumed she was focused on the work or in too much pain to speak, but at the end of our session she lowered her voice and asked how things went with Avery.

“Fine,” I said, shocked at how the conversation with my ex had completely left my mind. “I almost forgot,” I added, as we started toward Cam’s desk. “I have to take a rain check on dinner. I told Avery I’d meet her for drinks tonight. The sooner I talk to her about the reviews the better.”

“Oh,” Rowan said.

“I’m free tomorrow though,” I said. “I don’t want to stress your back any more than necessary. Let’s order takeout.”

“Sure,” she said and smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.


“Sounds great,” she said.

“Make sure you get that mat. I’ll text you a picture of the inserts later.”

“I will. Bye, Cammie,” she said and hurried to the hallway before I could offer to walk her out.

Cammie shook her head at me.

“What?” I asked.

She stood and grabbed my arm, dragging me into my office and shutting the door. Adam was busy with a patient, but he’d undoubtedly noticed.

“What’s wrong with you?” she snapped.

“Um, right now, the fact you’re yelling at me for some reason.”

“Oh,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest. “I have reason. Why on earth would you cancel plans with Rowan to spend the evening with that rattlesnake?”

“You heard me. I’m going to convince Avery to take down her reviews. If I make her wait too long to meet, she might change her mind.”

Cammie poked me hard in the chest. “Do not sleep with her.”

“I didn’t plan to,” I snapped. Then my stomach sank. “You don’t think Rowan assumed that, do you?”

Cammie shrugged. “Maybe. It was pretty clear what Avery wanted, dressed like that. Then you have a private chat in the hall and come back in here and tell Rowan you can’t see her tonight because you’re seeing Avery.”

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