Page 75 of For You I'd Break

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“No,” I said, shaking my head. “But most people don’t love their jobs.”

“I do,” Lauren said. “It’s stressful and exhausting sometimes, but every day I’m glad I get to put on this Karma apron and bring a little joy to people’s lives. I’m sure your mom feels the same.”

I nodded. “But I saw how much she struggled to open her own business after Dad died. The hours she worked. The stress. Things were really tight for us, financially. We always made do, but I could see how much it weighed on her.”

“Fair,” Lauren said. “But you’re not a widow with three kids to feed. If you were ever going to take a risk, now’s the time. Either way, you need to tell Cal. About the job and your feelings.”

I shook my head. “He was adamant. He doesn’t want a relationship.” I wasn’t sure he was ready for one even if he did. I decided to keep that part to myself. If Lauren knew, she’d tell me to enjoy the sex then run, whether or not I moved to DC.

Lauren shrugged. “People change their minds. But, no matter how he takes it, promise me you’ll make the best decision for you. Whatever you decide, you know I have your back.”

“I know you do,” I said grabbing her hand and giving it a squeeze. “Which is why I’m going home right now and baking something for that display case. Even if I’m only here another week, I can fill the gap until you find a new baker.”

She squealed and jumped out of her chair to hug me. “Thank you! Thank you! I don’t care what you make as long as it doesn’t taste like lemons. It’s too soon.”

I laughed. “Ok, I’ll have something ready for Poppy to bring in for her afternoon shift.”

Lauren pulled back. “Promise me you won’t ghost me again. Whatever happens, I want to know. You’re my best friend, and I feel like you’ve been keeping so much from me lately. First Brad and the accident and now this.”

My stomach dropped. I was still keeping things from her, but Cal’s grief wasn’t something I felt comfortable sharing with anyone. “I’m sorry. My life isn’t usually this dramatic. I’m overwhelmed.”

She smiled. “I know. You were exactly like this when I met you, hiding in your shell like a turtle. It took you forever to warm up to me.”

“Everyone wanted to be your friend. I still don’t understand why you insisted on being mine.”

“Because,” she said, wrapping her arm around my shoulder, “the people with the hardest shells have the softest insides.” She gave me a squeeze, then stood. “I’m getting you a Rowan to go. I need a fully caffeinated baking machine.”

As I watched her make my drink, I couldn’t help imagining what it would be like to settle in Peace Falls. Coffee and chats with my best friend whenever I wanted. Never missing one of Chris’s games or Poppy’s art shows. Early-morning dance parties with Mom. That one wasn’t always a positive, but on certain mornings, it made my entire day feel lighter. And Cal. Lauren was right. I needed to tell him, but I was scared. Bradhad tossed me away like I was one of those terrible scones. Even if I was the one who ended it, he’d left the relationship long before I realized. I was just starting to feel like myself again, and Cal was a big reason why. He’d helped heal more than my back. Even though we’d only been together a short time, I worried he already had a hold on my heart. My stomach twisted as I realized Poppy might be right. Cal could break me into pieces that would never fit together again.

Chapter twenty-three


“Did you see?” Cammieshouted as I opened the door. “You’re back up to three stars, and that witch hasn’t posted a review in two days.”

I heard a grunt from Adam’s office. He’d started leaving his door ajar, and Cammie and I both knew he listened to every word we said. He had to be monitoring my reviews online, but oddly we hadn’t discussed my ratings since he threatened to fire me. Other than being grumpier than usual and watching me like a hawk waiting for a field mouse to move into an exposed position, it was as if the conversation never happened. I couldn’t decide if his silence was a positive or negative indication of my future employment.

“That’s great. Did anyone pushed back when you asked for a review?”

“Of course not,” she yelled. “Like I’ve been saying, they all love you. Now let me work, I have patient bills to send.”

She winked at me, and I pushed down a laugh.

“Thanks, Cam,” I said and placed a large cinnamon toast latte on her desk.

She’d been arriving earlier and earlier to beat Adam into the office, which always seemed to put him in a better mood. Even if she grabbed her own coffee, I knew she’d be ready for another.

“Between you and Rowan, I’m going to gain fifteen pounds,” she said and tipped back the cup.

“The latte or the person?” I asked.

“Well, honestly, both. Rowan filled the pastry case at Karma, and I had to try a few things. Your girl has skills.”

I cleared my throat. Rowan wasn’t mine, and I didn’t need Adam watching us any closer. Monday’s session had been torture. After an hour of watching Rowan bend, stretch, and move, I announced we’d be ending with stair exercises and took her in the elevator instead.

“Your patient,” Cammie amended. “She’s first up today.”

“Speaking of skills,” I said, lowering my voice. “Are we ever going to talk about your performance at Church?”

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