Page 68 of For You I'd Break

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“So,” Gwen said with a big smile. “There are currently two positions open in your old team, including the leadership role, which means I’m eager to hire replacements. Especially someone with experience who has proven she has the skills for the job.”

Poppy had watched me through the entire exchange but dropped her eyes to her plate and began pushing the remains of her monkey bread back and forth, her fork making a horrific scraping sound.

I blew out a breath. “I’d have to think about it,” I said. “You were a great mentor, and I enjoyed working at Pinnacle, but the place has some pretty dark memories for me now. Plus, I’d have to move back to DC. I’m going to need time to consider.”

Gwen nodded. “That’s understandable. Why don’t I get together with HR and see what I can do to make this an offer you can’t refuse. I’ll email it over on Monday. I wish I could tell you to take as long as you need, but we’re so understaffed, the best I can do is hold the position until the end of the month.”

“Two weeks is fair,” I said, trying to ignore the grating sound of Poppy’s fork. “Thanks, Gwen.”

“I’ll be in touch,” she said and ended the call.

“Cut that out,” I said, grabbing the fork from Poppy.

“So that’s it, then,” Poppy said, crossing her arms. “Guess you need a ride back to DC.”

“I haven’t even seen the offer yet. Why are you getting worked up? You knew this was temporary. All my stuff is still in boxes in the living room.”

Poppy shrugged. “I knew you’d want your own place, eventually. Mom’s ’80s music obsession is reason enough, but I guess I was hoping you’d stay around here.”

“Poppy,” I said, softly. “You know jobs like mine aren’t in Peace Falls.”

“Forget I said anything.” She shoved her chair from the table. “I’ll be in my studio. Thanks for the monkey bread.”

She passed Chris on the way out. He gave her a big, sweaty hug, but instead of shoving him off like he probably expected, she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him tight before leaving. He walked to the kitchen sink and watched her stomp across the backyard to the shed. “What’s wrong with Pop?”

“She had too much to drink last night.”

He turned and leaned against the sink, crossing his arms in a movement so similar to Poppy, my breath caught. “Bullshit.”

“Fine,” I said, throwing my hands in the air. “She’s pissed I came home early from the bar. Want some monkey bread?”

He plopped into the seat Poppy had vacated and started pulling pieces from the pan.

“I can get you a plate,” I said.

He shook his head. “No need. I’m going to eat the rest.”

I chuckled.

“I love having you home, Ann.” He looked up from the pan and flashed me a huge smile that made my heart ache. He’d grown up so much since I moved to DC. In a couple years he’d be off to college, and the little boy who once followed me everywhere would have a life full of experiences and people I’d never know.

I got up and walked around the table to give him a hug. “Oh, gross,” I said, when the sweat from his t-shirt soaked mine.

“Hey, you hugged me,” he said, popping the last piece of monkey bread in his mouth. “I’ll go shower, but then would you help me meal plan for the rest of the week? I’ve got to eat better than this.”

“Sounds good,” I said.

I was finishing up the dishes when my phone rang again. I glanced at the unknown number and almost sent it to voicemail, but the area code was local. Thinking it could be Lauren or my mom, I answered.

“Hey,” Cal said. “Hope you don’t mind. Theo gave me your number.”

“Well, hello,” I said, leaning against the counter. “I guess this is payback for the sexy picture I sent him.”

“Should I be concerned you’re sending my best friend sexy pictures?”

I laughed. “Not at all.” Brad was jealous any time I spoke to another man, which made sense now that I knew he cheated on me. Why would he trust that I’d take our vows seriously if he didn’t? Cal’s tone was teasing. But a part of me wondered if he just didn’t care if I sent Theo a picture of myself. “Chris just tookdown half a pan of monkey bread, so I’m guessing your training went well this morning.”

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