Page 63 of For You I'd Break

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Aiden pressed his lips into a tight line. “You think or you know?”

“Honestly, I have no idea. Theo said she seemed ok when he dropped her off, and he doesn’t think she had shots like Poppy did. I’m sure Lauren is fine. Poppy drank too much, but she wasn’t in danger. Theo overreacted because he likes her.”

Aiden glared at me. “Let me guess, you pushed him too hard about Poppy, and he gave you shit about messing around with Rowan.”

“Pretty much. Then I thought Chris was going to take a swing at me. He saw me with his sister and insisted we have a talk. It got a little heated.”

Aiden chuckled. “Can you blame him?”

“What happens between me and Rowan is none of his damn business.”

Aiden shook his head. “If I ever saw you walking one of my sisters home at five in the morning, I’d be taking more than a swing at you. You’d have to call Theo to drive your ass to the hospital.”

“That’s different. Your sisters are all married.”

“I’d beat your ass even if they weren’t. You go through women like paper towels. Bet he knows that too,” Aiden said, nodding his chin toward Chris.

“You’re one to talk.”

Aiden shook his head. “I’m an unapologetic asshole. Ain’t no one falling in love with me. Women use my body, like I use theirs, and move on. But with someone like you, they’re bound to want more.”

“I don’t play with feelings. Anyone I spend time with knows it’s just fun.”

Aiden nodded. “And you think Rowan is a casual fuck kind of girl?”

No. “I told her what to expect from me. Besides, she’s looking for jobs anywhere but here. What’s so wrong with letting off a little steam together?”

“Same reason you never should have fucked around with Avery.”

“Avery and Rowan are nothing alike.”

“They’re more alike than you want to believe. You and Avery were serious in high school. Why would she ever believe you just wanted something casual now?”

“Because I told her. Just like I told Rowan.”

Aiden shook his head. “Face it, man, you crushed Avery. And Chris is worried you’ll do the same to Rowan. A chick doesn’t go Kill Bill on a guy’s reputation unless she has feelings for him. You loved Avery once. I’m sure she thought you were falling for her again.”

“I didn’t love her.”

Aiden shook his head. “If that were true, would you have been so upset when she dumped you?”

We never talked about that night. Ever. Sometimes we’d mention the fallout: Mine and Aiden’s recovery, Theo’s trial and time in prison. We spoke of Logan often, memories that made us laugh so hard we couldn’t breathe, but never how he died. The sequence of events that led to those tragic consequences wasn’t something we revisited.

“Don’t,” I said.

“It’ll be ten years next month.”

“You think I’ve forgotten?”

“Of course not,” Aiden snapped. “I just meant it’s been a long time, and we still can’t talk about it. Theo hurts himself every chance he can. You push away anyone who gets too close, and I want to beat the shit out of something all the time. We’re all still fucked up, and I’m starting to think we always will be.”

I didn’t know what to say. He was right. But that didn’t mean I had a clue how to change things.

Aiden blew out a long breath. “All I’m saying is, the kid had every right to get protective. He’s got a good head on his shoulders, and he’s got talent. Real talent.”

I nodded, relieved we were changing the subject. “I have no doubt he’ll make varsity.”

“Fuck that, we’re getting the kid scouted,” Aiden said, slapping my back. “How often are you training with him?”

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