Page 61 of For You I'd Break

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“Forgive me for not taking advice from a guy who feels too guilty to live his own life.”

Theo rubbed his forehead. “I’m going to go before you say something you regret.”

He climbed into the truck and slammed the door. As he drove away, I knew he hadn’t left soon enough. I’d said plenty to regret.

Chapter nineteen


Chris knocked on mydoor just before ten. I’d spent the last five hours doing tasks I hated around the house. I’d steamed the floors, paid bills, and scrubbed the inside of the fridge. Skye slept through most of it, padding out of the bedroom around nine to watch me rip everything from the kitchen pantry and wipe down the shelves.

“Let me grab my stuff,” I said, excited to finally leave the house.

“Actually,” Chris said, shifting his feet. “Can I come in, and talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure,” I said opening the door wider. Skye ran to him, and he bent to pet her before walking to the living room and taking a seat on the couch.

“What’s up?” I asked, sitting beside him.

“This is awkward,” he said, rubbing his forehead.

Shit. I braced myself to talk about condoms or first times or any number of things a kid his age without a dad might ask. But what he said next caught me completely off guard.

“I like you.”

I cleared my throat. “Um, Chris, I’m flattered but—”

Chris narrowed his eyes. “I’m not done. Why do adults always do that? Think they know where a conversation is going and interrupt before you can get the words out.”

“Sorry,” I said.

“I like you. As a friend, to be clear,” he said, glaring at me. He let out a breath. “You’re kind of like the brother I never had.”

My throat tightened. “Thanks, Chris. That means a lot to me.”

Chris slapped his legs and gritted his teeth. “I’m not done.”

I pressed my lips together.

“As I was saying, I like you, but Ann is my favorite person in the whole world. She’s been through a lot. So just don’t be a dick, ok?”

“I’m not following.”

He blushed bright red. “I saw you bring her home this morning.”

“Ok,” I said, standing. “Time out. Rowan and I are adults. Whatever happens between us is our business. Not yours.”

Chris stood so fast Skye barked. I had at least twenty pounds of muscle on him, but the rage on his face made me take a step back. “I won’t stand by and watch someone else hurt her.” His breathing was rapid, his eyes bright, and it hit me that the kid was devastated.

“Hey,” I said, gently. “I’m not her asshole ex.”

Chris nodded and spun around, putting his back to me to swipe at his eyes.

“I know she’s been through a lot,” I said. “And I get you want to protect her, but she’s a grown woman. You have to let her make her own choices.”

He nodded and sniffed. “Forget I said anything. Let’s go train.”

He stalked past me and out the door. Skye watched him leave and gave me a reproachful look for the second time today. Igrabbed my gear, and she perked up and followed me out the door. Chris was standing beside my SUV with his arms crossed, staring down the street toward his house. I glanced at the front porch, but Rowan wasn’t there. I wondered if Chris had talked to her already, or if she was still in the shed taking care of Poppy. I knew better than to ask.

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