Page 104 of For You I'd Break

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“What’s so funny?” Rowan asked.

“Theo asked what Mom was going to do if Chris went pro,” Poppy said.

Rose groaned and pressed her face harder against her hands.

Aiden smirked, knowing damn well they were sharing a laugh at my expense. Everyone but Rowan knew what was happening after the game. Lauren and Poppy had helped me pick out the ring, and I had to tell my two best friends and Cam, if for no other reason, than to brace themselves for the utter mess I’d be if Rowan turned me down. I’d asked Rose for permission, and she’d yelled at me that her daughter made her own decisions, before pulling me into a hug and bawling on my shoulder.

At half time, Lauren glanced at her phone and frowned. “Sorry, y’all. I’ve got to run. Wyatt is having trouble with the espresso machine.” The new full-timer at Karma moonlighted on Aiden’s crew and could fix about anything, but Rowan didn’t seem to question the text.

“I’ll go with you,” Cammie said, standing.

Lauren smiled at her and said, “That’d be great.”

Rowan frowned. “You’re both still coming back to the house later, right?”

“Of course,” Lauren said. “You promised me victory cake.”

“Just cake,” Aiden said, rubbing his forehead. “Don’t jinx it.”

“I’m calling it victory cake to manifest a win,” she snapped back, linking her arm with Cam.

“Poppy outdid herself,” Rowan said. “She recreated the entire stadium with different figurines of Chris if they win or lose.”

“I can’t wait,” Lauren said, touching the shoulder of the couple beside her. They stood and let them pass.

Red Blossoms Bakery had taken the special event industry by storm. In addition to baking sweets for Karma, Rowan and Poppy had become the most in-demand cake makers in Southwest Virginia. They were already discussing moving their operation from Rose’s kitchen to a commercial space next year. Aiden even offered to help them find a place he could convert at cost whenever they were ready.

“Aiden, what’s happening?” Rose asked, sounding distressed.

“It’s half time, Mom,” Rowan said. “Rest a minute.”

Rose dropped her hands to her lap and let out a relieved breath. She seemed more worked up than usual, and I wasn’t sure if it was because she knew how much a win today meant to Chris and his team, or if she was anxious for what came after. Maybe she was worried Chris would be upset that I’d chosen today to ask his sister to marry me, stealing the attention from his victory. I didn’t know much about manifesting, but Lauren seemed pretty damn sure, so I was going with it.

It’d seemed romantic at the time. If Chris hadn’t wanted my help with football, Rowan would have dropped me as her PT before I got a chance to know her. I’d chosen this game because Rowan was my home now. Damn it, I should have talked it over with Chris.

I pulled out my phone to text Cammie and call the whole thing off, but Aiden shook his head at me. I slid my phone back in my jacket and did my best to distract myself with the game. In the third-quarter, Rowan started squirming in her seat, and I shifted my worry about the proposal to her pain, rubbing circleson her lower back. We’d continued to work on building her core strength, but some of the injuries from her life before me were difficult to heal.

Aiden was right. Chris was on fire, and the Peace Falls Spartans took the win. The entire stadium erupted in cheers, and Rose put her head between her knees.

“Maybe I should tape him and make you watch after,” Aiden said rubbing her back. “Exposure therapy.”

Rose straightened and shook her head. “No, I’ll know he’s ok if I see him after the game. I’m doing better. I didn’t even cry this time when they tackled him.”

“You did great,” Aiden said, kneading her shoulders like she was a boxer about to hit the ring for eight rounds.

“Let’s go,” Rose said. “All this screaming is fraying my nerves more.”

My nerves went into overdrive as we climbed down the bleachers and made our way to the exit.

“Shouldn’t we say hi to Chris?” Rowan asked.

My heart stopped. Chris would be tied up with his team for at least an hour. I couldn’t take Rowan back to her house before he was finished or he’d miss everything.

Aiden let out a loud whoop, and I turned to see Chris heading toward us, covered in sweat and dirt and smiling from ear-to-ear.

“I almost cried when you made that catch in the second quarter, kid,” Aiden said.

“You were amazing, honey,” Rose said, hugging him. Poppy and Rowan did the same.

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