Page 53 of Disaster Stray

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I’m not watching, but I get the sense he’s reaching for himself, driving toward the edge. I focus on doing exactly what I was doing when he shouted so sweetly for me. And it works. He keeps crying out, his voice ringing in my ears, in my chest, as I plunge into him searching for what we both need.

“Shit,” he gasps.

I don’t have the ability to tell him I feel the same, but hopefully he can tell from how tightly I hold him as I drive into him. Everything trembles, a heartbeat from explosion, and it’s all I can do to simply try to repeat the motion so we can tip over that glorious precipice.

More, more, more!my brain screams. I wouldn’t deny it even if I could. The heat and closeness of Sebastian’s body is filling my head with static as it blurs out the rest of the world into incoherence. Nothing else exists. Nothing else matters. Nothing else is as good and perfect and right as him.

That’s the thought echoing in my head when I break.

It sneaks up on me. I shudder and shake, nearly swept off my feet by the force of the wave of bliss that hits me. My thrusts turn into stutters, but fortunately it doesn’t seem to matter too much to Sebastian. He shouts, then I feel him clenching around me. The sensation is almost too much to bear, a pleasure that threatens to overwhelm, and I cling to him through it.

I plummet back into myself, as hollow as an old tree. And just like an old tree, I’m about to lose my grip on the earth and crash to the ground.

I ease myself out of Sebastian and release his hips so I can sink to the floor. He slides down with me, turning around so his back is against the wall. For a moment, we sit there panting at each other, staring like this is the first time we’ve ever seen each other. Then Sebastian throwshimself forward so he can cradle my head and kiss me. In our exhausted state, our teeth clack together, but it doesn’t matter. I catch him in my arms and let him sink against me, his forehead resting against my shoulder.

“I love you,” he says, the words a warm breath sweeping down my chest.

It’s so obvious. It’s so ridiculously obvious. Even after all this running and hiding and uncertainty, it’s the most obvious thing in the entire world. So there’s really only one thing I can say.

“Sebastian, I love you.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine


WE MIGHT STAY SITTING on the floor that way far longer if it weren’t for voices outside the dressing room. Someone rattles the doorknob but thankfully pauses, carrying on a shouted conversation outside the room. It gives Luke and I barely enough time to grab our clothing and make a mad dash for the bathroom.

“This is … not how I imagined the moment after I said that going,” Luke says.

We stand crammed into a tiny room that contains nothing but a toilet and a sink. Luke practically fills the space himself. The addition of my body renders the room minuscule. Plus, we’re both desperately clasping our own mess in our fists, hoping to contain it long enough to dispose of it.

I can’t help but laugh. After a beat, Luke joins me, and soon we’re giggling like schoolchildren hiding from our teachers. Voices fill the dressing room, and I realize the constant throb of the club music has quieted.

“Oh shit,” I hiss. “It’s the end of the night. The club is closing.”

“Can I drive you home?” Luke says. “I mean, once we…”

He waves vaguely at our disheveled state. I chew the insides of my cheeks to hold back a smile. We just fucked in the dressing room, yet his sweet offer of a ride home has me all bashful.

We shift and shuffle around each other to clean ourselves up and get dressed. Squeezing back into my tight clothing feels about a hundred times worse than it did earlier in the night. Luke almost falls trying to get his pants on. Our elbows hit the door, producing loud, unmistakable thuds for anyone on the other side of it.

When we finally leave the bathroom, there are three dancers waiting for us, including Caleb.

He rolls his eyes. “Seriously, Sebastian? I thought you were going home early.”

“I thought I was too. Plan changed.”

“Well, as long as you didn’t do it on my station.”

“We didn’t touch anyone’s stuff,” I say. “But thank you for the, uh, supplies.”

“Bitch, are you serious?” Caleb riffles through thedrawer of one of the bureaus, but it’s not like we destroyed it or anything. We just … borrowed some things.

“I’ll pay you back. Chill out.”

“Whatever, I don’t care. Was it at least worth it?”

Luke flushes a deep scarlet beside me, but I plant my hands on my hips. “Yes, actually, it was. And for the record, I’m keeping this one. So be polite. You’ll see him again.”

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