Page 19 of Disaster Stray

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“I don’t think you came here just for that,” he says.


Sebastian steps a little closer. No, heswayscloser. That’s the only word for the sinuous motion that slithers from his shoulders all the way down to his ankles. It’s the opening beat, the first step of a dance, and I begin to fear I’m his unwitting partner even before he opens his mouth.

“I don’t think you came all the way over here in such a big rush just to repeat something you’ve already told me,” he says.

“I had to be sure. The trip is coming up. I couldn’t count on what we said the other night. It was dark. It was late. We were … in a compromised position.”

“That’s all true,” Sebastian says, “but I told you I’d keep your secret, and I think you believed me. I think you came over here for a different reason.”

He’s close now, close enough that he has to tilt his head back a little to look up at me. It makes those dark, overly perceptive eyes all the darker, all the larger, all the harder to escape.

“What else would I be here for?” I say, but my voice has dipped down, matching his tone unconsciously.

A smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth, like a cat with a mouse under its paw. His lips part, pink tongue visible as he runs it along the backs of his teeth.

“I think you know, Luke.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I say, my protest weak.

“You can keep claiming that if you want to. I won’t argue with you. You can believe it for as long as you like. If you want me to, I’ll pretend you’re an innocent school teacher who happened to find himself in my apartment again. Makes no difference to me. But…”

“But?” I ask.

Part of me wants to know. Part of me can’t stand waiting for the answer. But part of me is so frozen with fear that Sebastian could topple me with a single finger.

He saunters away, but doesn’t go far. Sebastian places his back against the nearest wall, then raises his arms over his head like he’s going to be arrested or something. As I watch in growing horror, Sebastian slides down and down that wall, his arms still overhead.

“But whether you admit it or not,” Sebastian says, “I’m pretty sure you want to pin me to this wall.”


Chapter Eleven


MY HEART THUDS, though I try to look calm and sultry and confident on the outside. This is a huge gamble. Luke could run screaming from this apartment and block my number and never speak to me again. But if being a dancer has taught me anything, it’s how to read a man’s body language, how to know when a guy wants me, even if I can’t hear him over thumping club music.

Luke wants me.

I’m sure he wants me. That’s why I’m making this bet. The thing I don’t know is whether he’lllethimself want me. Will he take the invitation or leave me here and pretend he’s not interested?

He’s incredibly still, but his light eyes roam over me. I’m crouched down, knees spread wide like when I droplow while dancing at the club. Only this time my arms are lingering over my head as though my wrists are chained to the wall behind me.

Luke starts to move, his steps carrying him forward, then away, then forward again. He only takes a couple steps before stopping himself, and my heart flutters through palpitations. This man will be the death of me if he doesn’t make up his mind.

Finally, he moves toward me, but when he reaches me, he simply stands there for a moment. I fall onto my knees, standing up on them to place my head at just the right height. Then I look up, and sure enough, he meets my gaze, his eyes bright with desire and uncertainty.

“For a second I thought you really might not come over here and fuck my face,” I say.

The words have an immediate effect. Luke’s throat bobs as he swallows. His chest swells with a deeper breath. I seize my moment and run my hands down his arms. When I reach his hands, I guide them onto my wrists. Luke keeps holding as I move my hands back to the wall behind me.

My whole body lights up now that I have him.

Luke isn’t pressing hard, but he’s holding my wrists against the wall above my head. I’m on my knees looking up at him, letting my mouth drop open, letting my whole body suggest what I want him to do from this position. I’m at the perfect eye level to tell how badly he wants to give in and do it.

The placement of my arms is forcing my back to arch. I can’t lean toward him. I can’t push myself away from the wall. The next move is entirely his to make.

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