Page 71 of Matteo

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If rolling my eyes was something I did, I would’ve rolled my eyes so hard they would’ve gotten stuck in the back of my head. “You watched, didn’t you?”

He shoves his hands in the pockets of his slacks and walks along the wall lined with bookshelves, acting as if he’s looking at them. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t see anyone that looked like Lux on that stage.”

Ignoring him, I take a seat on the couch, and Enzo comes over and drops into the spot next to me. “So, howwaslast night?” his nosy ass asks.

Leaving my gaze on the door, I keep my response short and sweet. “Fine.”

He sulks into the couch. “That’s all you’re going to give me?”

“Were you expecting something else?’

“I saw the way you looked at her when you saw her on that stage. You were pissed.”

“Of course I was fucking pissed.” I finally bring my attention to his.

He holds up a finger. “You didn’t let me finish. You were pissed, but also turned the fuck on. You can’t tell me seeing your girl up there doing the damn thing didn’t twitch that dick of yours.” The gleam in his eye and that shit-eating grin on his face tell me all I need to know about what he’ll say next. “So that begs the question. Was I right?”

“Right about what, Enzo?”

With a wiggle of his brows, he says, “The sex. Was it fucking amazing like I said it’d be?”

I let out a sigh and keep a blank expression on my face before turning my gaze back toward the door.

Enzo releases a deep laugh that stems from his gut. “I’ll takethatas a yes.”

I shake my head.

“Man, you mustreallylike Lux.”I can’t deny that.“You used to have no problem telling me about your sex life. Butnow,” he says with another laugh. “Now I can’t even get you to admit if you’ve fucked or not.”

“We fucked. It was the best damn sex of my entire life. And yes, I do really like Lux. Any other questions I need to answer, or is this inquisition over?”

His smile broadens as he grabs my shoulder and gives it a shake. “I already knew. I just wanted you to admit it. I’m happy for you, brother.”

A smile threatens to break out on my face but is quickly shoved back down when Mancini’s voice sounds in the room. “I apologize for keeping you both waiting,” he says as he walks in and takes a seat in the chair directly across from us. “To what do I owe this pleasure?” He peers back and forth between Enzo and me before settling on me.

“I wanted to stop by and check in with my favorite father-in-law. See if you’ve heard anything about Lux’s mother,” I say, jumping right to it.No point in wasting time.

He sits back in his chair, relaxed, sipping the cup of black coffee he walked in with. “I have not, unfortunately. What about you? Any new revelations?”

“No.” I lie, not wanting to tell him I ended up at his strip club last night with Mauricio and the Silvestris.

Mancini narrows his eyes slightly before asking, “How’s Lux? I’d like to take her out to lunch today or tomorrow.”

“I’ll check with her to see what her availability looks like, but I have to tell you, Mancini. She’s getting more and more torn up over her mother. She’s been begging me to let her help find her. I don’t think she’s going to want to waste her time getting lunch with you when she could be focusing on finding her.”

“What does she think she’s going to be able to do to help?”

“She’s quite the persistent little thing. Very strong-willed.She’ll figure out something to do. Especially since she’s typically home alone all day, leaving her ample time to figure something out.”

I study Mancini’s movements as he brings his coffee mug back up to his mouth and swallows the hot liquid. There’s a slight shake in his hand as he lowers the cup back down to his lap.

“Let me see what I can find out. I might know a guy that can help.”

“Great,” I say before pushing myself off the couch with Enzo following. “Let’s reconvene in a couple of days. See what this guy of yours turns up.”

“Sure,” he says as he rises from his chair. “Let me walk you both out.”

“No need. Enzo and I can see ourselves out,” I state as I make our way to the door. “We’ll talk in a couple of days.”

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