Page 52 of Matteo

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“We’re leaving. We’ll go somewhere else to get you some things until we can meet up with my cousin. The only person I wanted you to work with was Liana, and we won’t be back again until she’s here.”

Ahh, so Liana’s his cousin. That’s why he brought me here. To have his cousin help pick out some clothes for me. Gosh, I feel so freaking stupid that I let Ashley get to me like that.

Matteo and I exit the dressing room to Ashley standing about fifteen feet away with her hand on her hip as she taps her foot. She has a few pieces of clothing in her other hand, and I cringe at her color choices. Neon colors. Green, yellow, and orange. What was this girl’s plan? Bring in outfit after outfit that aren’t my style and not make a sale? All because she’s jealous that I’m married to a man she got on her knees for? I might feel silly for feeling threatened the way I did, but this bitch is an idiot, pathetic,andborderline crazy.

She paints on a fake smile when she looks at Matteo and scurries up to us. “I brought some more options?—”

“We’re done here,” Matteo says, his voice stern, unwavering, causing Ashley to retreat into her shell.

“But, I thought?—”

“Look, Ashley, I don’t know what the hell you thought when you decided to lie to my wife just to try and make her feel inferior to you, but because of your incompetence, you’re now going to be unemployed, not to mention blacklisted from ever working in New York City again.”


He steps into her suddenly, making her jump back into a rack of clothes in shock. “Don’tfucking say my name. I’m nothing to you. I’m no one.” He lets out a dark chuckle. “Except for the man who’ll make it his mission to ensure you’re never employed in this city again.”

Matteo grabs hold of my hand before turning back to Ashley, whose shocked eyes are shimmering with tears, clearly regretting the way she’s acted now. “And if you think I don’t have connections in all of the major cities in this country, think again. You might want to find a small town where you can work for a souvenir shop making minimum wage, because your career in fashion is now over.”

Without another word, he pulls me through the boutiqueand out the front door. A smile tugs at my lips. Not only did I have the best orgasm of my life from nothing but Matteo’s hand, but he also stuck up for me. I know it sounds stupid, but I’ve never had anyone stick up for me like that before. And I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t the hottest thing I’ve ever witnessed.



After stopping by another store to grab Lux clothes, we head back to the penthouse. We avoid speaking about what happened in the dressing room in front of Rocco and Tito, but I know it’s been on her mind almost as much as it’s been on mine.

It’s all I can think about.

The way she reacted so perfectly to me. The glorious sounds that escaped that mouth of hers. The quivers she made every time I hit each of her spots. The face she made as pleasure took complete control of her body. And her taste. Her sweet fucking taste has permanently marked me, and I don’t know if I’ll ever be the same.

I order Rocco and Tito to bring Lux’s bags up to my room when we get back to the penthouse.

“Oh, I can bring them in,” Lux says, attempting to round the SUV to the trunk where her bags remain.

Grabbing a hold of her, I say, “They got it,” before guiding her to the elevator.

“I have to speak with Enzo,” I say as we get off on our floor. I’ve beenwasting too much time trying to find her mother, and Mancini has proven to be useless, so while Lux did some shopping, I came up with a plan. One that could put me in the line of fire, but finding Lux’s mother makes it worth it. Because she’s worth it.

“Okay, I’ll go put my clothes away,” she says before walking down the hall.

“In my room,” I add, reminding her in case she forgot last night was the last night she’d ever be in her own room.

She glances back over her shoulder with that perfect smile of hers that could melt even the coldest of hearts.I would know.

I watch as she disappears down the hall, mesmerized by the way she moves. So effortlessly sexy. I swear she doesn’t even realize the effect she has on me.

It took everything in me not to rip off my clothes back in that dressing room and swipe her underwear to the side while I filled her with my cock, but that moment was for her. I wanted her pleasure to be the priority there. To show her that Ashley is nothing and she’s everything. Hearing myself think that blows my mind.This girl.

I find Enzo and Isabella sitting at the island in the kitchen. “We need to talk about Lux’s mother,” I say, addressing Enzo.

“Oh, well, hello there to you too,” Isabella says as she spins on the island stool to face me.

“Lux is putting her newly purchased clothes away in my room. Why don’t you go help her?” I suggest. She doesn’t need to be here for this conversation.

“Enzo already filled me in on everything, so you might as well tell me what’s going on.”

I shoot Enzo a glare, to which he holds up his hands and shrugs. “She was annoying the fuck out of me about it.”

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