Page 50 of Matteo

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My chest heaves as I try to control my rage at this chick. Do I even have a right to be annoyed? Who am I even annoyed with? I want to be annoyed with Matteo for bringing me here, prancing me around this high-end boutique, having his high-end boutique employee fuck buddy dress me like what? Someone like her? I struggle to gain control of my shallow breaths as I get more and more frustrated.

Another knock sounds at the door, but I ignore it. If I see that bitch again, Iwillpunch her.

Another knock comes through, except this time louder and accompanied with that familiar deep voice. “Luxtyn.”Ugh.I’m not ready to see him either. I ignore him in hopes that he’ll take the hint and leave me alone, but just when I think he’s going to knock again, the dressing room door swings open instead, andMatteo stalks in, making the already tight space more cramped with his broad frame.

I whip around to face him. “What the hell are you doing?” I hiss, keeping my voice as low as I can.

He doesn’t answer as he stares at me, slowly dragging his gaze up my body. It’s at that moment I remember I’m wearing only my burgundy lace bra and underwear set. It’s not insanely sexy, but the delicate lace appliqué on top of the cotton material adds a certain flare.

I move to grab my sweatshirt that’s hanging on the back of the chair but am instantly halted in my steps when Matteo growls out, “Don’t. Even. Think about it.”

My heart feels like it’s going to pound out of my chest. My mind yells at me to grab my sweatshirt and cover up, but my body does the opposite, keeping me rooted in place as Matteo continues to watch me like a predator stalking its prey.

He closes the short distance between us, crashing into me and pushing my back up against the cool mirror. I shriek, but it’s muffled by his calloused hand. He spreads my thighs with his knee, propping his leg between mine. “Shhh, Little Lux. We don’t want the entire store hearing you, now do we?”

I speak, but my words come out muffled under his rough and yet somehow soft hand.

“If I remove my hand, are you going to be a good girl and cooperate?” The heat from his eyes is strong enough to incinerate me in place. I nod in response.

Removing his hand from my mouth, he slides it down my neck, through the valley between my breasts. He follows the movement with his eyes, leaving a trail of fire with each move he makes. “You are so fucking sexy, Lux.” He drags his nearly black lust-filled eyes back to mine.

“Don’t touch me,” I snap. The force of my words comeout stronger than I anticipated. I was worried the electric feel of his body touching mine would make me falter, but the thought of Ashley still fresh on my mind has me ready to fight.

Matteotsksme before wrapping his arm around my back and lowering it down to my ass. He grips a cheek in his hand. It’s strong. Rough. Narrowing in on painful, and yet it feels so fucking good. “Is that anyway to speak to your husband, Little Lux?”

“You’re my husband on paper, and that’s it,” I spit back, taking my anger on Ashley out on him. If I’m being sensible, I have no good reason to be mad at him. If what Ashley said is true, then he got together with her before me, and that’s fine. We each have our pasts. What’s irking me is the fact he brought me here and didn’t have the decency to give me a heads-up his ex-fuck buddy would be playing dress-up with me.

Matteo narrows his gaze on mine, and I can see the fire sizzling in his eyes. “I’m going to make you my wife ineveryway possible. Now tell me what happened. Why’re you acting like this?”

I narrow my gaze right back at him. “As if you don’t know.” I try to keep my voice a whisper. “What? You didn’t think I’d find out you’re parading me around your former fuck buddy and letting her playBarbiewith me while she dresses me up in some fancy clothing she’d wear? Do you know how humiliating that is? How fucking stupid I feel?” I choke out that last sentence, not because I’m sad but because I’m damn welllivid.

“You think I’d do that to you?” Matteo asks, as if me questioning his character is so easy for him to roll off his back.

My eyes bounce back and forth between his, attempting to read him for the man he is.I’m only a business transaction.His words from our wedding day come back to haunt me. Echoing through the chambers of my mind.

He pushes into me, holding me in place with his body, so I place my hands on his hard chest and push him, but he doesn’t budge. He never budges. Wrapping his fingers around my wrists, he drags them over my head, and I’m thrown back to our first kiss in the living room. I almost let out a moan at the memory mixed with the reaction of my body to his, but I keep my mouth clamped shut.

“Let’s get a couple things straight, Little Lux,” he growls out. “One, that woman out there is by no means my formerfuck buddy.” He thrusts his hips into mine, and this time I can’t hold back the moan as he brushes his hardened length into me.

“And two, I would neverpranceyou around a former fuck buddy. Not intentionally, at least. Now tell me what Ashley told you.”

I shake my head and let out a low, maniacal laugh. “Ashley, huh? Why don’t you explain to me how you two are on a first name basis if it’s not because you guys have fucked before.”

He tightens his grip on my wrists as he shuffles them so they’re both being held by just one of his hands. Bringing his free hand down, he grazes my neck before wrapping his fingers around it, giving it a light squeeze. “I’ll answer your question once you answer mine.”

I open my mouth to argue, but he squeezes my neck harder. Not enough to prevent me from breathing but enough to make me bite my tongue. He feathers the side of my neck with his thumb, sending shivers down my body, making me clench that spot between my legs.

“Are you ready to tell me what Ashley told you?” He drops his gaze to my chest, taking in the rise and fall of my breasts. “Or am I going to have to coerce it out of you, Little Lux?”

I scoff.This arrogant ass.“I’m more interested in whatyouhave to say,Teo.” His nickname rolls off my tongue. Snapping his gaze up to mine, I swear I see the fire spread in his eyes, consuming every aspect of his face as it morphs into something primal. Something beyond devilish.

“I love hearing my name roll off your lips, baby.”


He increases the pressure around my throat, cutting off my air supply. I try to suck in a sharp breath at the sudden action, but nothing comes through as I squirm in his grasp. This only causes him to push into me harder, his body now encompassing mine.

“I’m going to ask you one more time. What. Did. Ashley. Say. To. You?” He enunciates each word until he releases the tension around my throat. He’s starting to make me feel insane. I should feel threatened, scared that he just cut off my air supply, but I don’t. As frustrated as I am with the situation, I’m also incredibly turned on. His demands. His rock-hard frame pressed up against mine. It’s like he knows exactly how to get my body to beg for his.

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