Page 44 of Matteo

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Enzo takes up a spot in the corner of the room, leaning against the wall with a twisted smile on his face as he takes in the bloody situation.

“Luis,” Rocco answers. “He’s one of Alfredo’s guys.”

Ahh, Alfredo. One of Silvestris top capos. One of his dirtiest too. He brings in plenty of money for him, but also has the temper of a bomb ready to detonate at any second. Rumor has it his kill number is the highest in the family.

“Luuisss,” I say as I walk closer to the nearly unconscious man strapped to the metal chair.It’s like I was just in this situation yesterday. . .

“I hear you have some information that might be useful to me.” I roll the sleeves of my shirt up my forearms. The hairs on my arms stand on end in anticipation, already knowing how this meeting will end.

Luis struggles to lift his head an inch before it lolls to the side. His face is battered, and his eyes are nearly swollen shut. His lip is split in three spots. I wouldn’t be able to recognize the guy even if I knew what he looked like.

Luis coughs, spitting blood at his feet as he shifts his head, trying to remain conscious as he mumbles something incoherent.

“Hold up his head,” I order Rocco, who does so immediately, pulling the man up by the long dark strands of his greasy hair.

I lean down, balancing myself on the tips of my toes as I prop my elbows on my thighs. Close enough I can taste the blood on the tip of my tongue.

“I’m going to need you to wake the fuck up and tell me what you know about Giuseppe Silvestri, because if you don’t, I will kill you. And I’ll make it a lot more miserable than it needs to be.”

“You’re going to kill me anyway, right?” Luis mumbles before coughing a few more times.

“Correct.” There’s no point in lying. Being brought to me means this guy’s time is up. “But I can either make it happen quickly. Or I can take my sweet fucking time.” I push myself to a stand and fold my arms across my chest. “It’s your choice.”

Luis lets out a long sigh. “I heard Giuseppe and Angelo Mancini got into it over the port,” he spits out. “Giuseppepartnered with a new source that’s been helping him bring in a lot more money through it.”

Luis coughs a couple more times before spitting more blood onto the concrete floor. His voice is hoarse and dry as he goes to speak again. “Angelo wants him to pay a larger percentage, but Giuseppe refused.”

“That’s all you know?” That’s the information he felt was worth his life?

“That’s all I know. I know it’s not much, but I guess the alliance between them is tense right now.” He drags in a deep breath, trying to bring oxygen to his lungs before continuing. “I wouldn’t be surprised if Angelo decides to go directly to Giuseppe’s source and tries to cut him out.”

Now that’s an interesting interpretation of the situation.

I stand there quietly, pondering that idea before leaning down so I’m directly in front of Luis again. I slap his cheek a couple times, the dried blood on his face cracking against my palm. “Good job. That just earned you a quick death.”

Luis drops his head, accepting his fate. I step back and pull the gun that’s been strapped to my ankle all night while Rocco steps back from Luis, giving me plenty of room to do what I need to do. I shoot the guy once in the heart and again in his forehead for good measure.

“Clean this up,” I order Enzo and Rocco. “Burn the body.” I glance over at Rocco. “You’re sure his arrival was quiet?” The last thing I need is for anyone to know Luis was here. The whole point of paying off guys that aren’t associated with me is to make sure my name stays out of this, but when I heard he had some other information for me, I needed to step in.

“Yeah, Boss. I made sure no eyes were around when we brought him down.”

I nod. “Good. You guys take care of this. Enzo, you can get a ride with Rocco back to the penthouse.” All I can thinkabout now is getting home to my wife who I’m sure is splayed out on that oversized bed of hers, dark hair fanned across her pillow. Like she’s been every night I’ve snuck in and sat in the corner to watch her.

“Oh sure. Leave all the bitch work to us while you go and get laid. No problem,” Enzo says. But I ignore him, leaving the concrete room and opening myself up to the bass of the music coming from the club.

Soundproof rooms. So damn effective for a multitude of reasons.

I get home to a quiet house and go directly to my shower to wash the smell of blood off my body. The information Luis gave us doesn’t mean much, but his interpretation of it is what sparked my interest. Mancini cutting out Silvestri, the middleman, is a bold move. Dirty business. Something I don’t think Mancini has the balls to do. But it’s an interesting hypothesis and would give him one hundred percent of the profits.

And then there’s me. He can’t cut out the middleman when he doesn’t have control of his port anymore. Their business relationship will be null and void when I take over.

After throwing on a pair of black boxer briefs, I wander into Luxtyn’s dimly lit room. She’s just as I envisioned she would be with her dark hair fanned out on the white pillowcase, contrasting perfectly.

The comforter is down around her waist. The shirt I left for her to wear is bunched up on the side, displaying a sliver of her soft pale skin. She looks fuckingperfectin my shirt. Pride pours through me at the sight. Her reddish-pink lips are slightly parted, and her chest rises and falls with every breath she takes. My dick awakens as I take her in, imagining what it would be like to have those lips wrapped around it.

I sit in the chair I have positioned in the corner that gives me the perfect view of her. It’s where I’ve fallen asleep everynight, making sure to sneak out before she wakes. I sit back and watch her. Quietly. Like a damn creep. What is it with this girl? I’ve been attracted to women in the past, but never like I am with Luxtyn.

Is it because she didn’t show interest in me from the start, unlike the women that find themselves in my bed? She doesn’t throw herself at me every second she gets. Hell, I don’t think she even knows how to act around me. But our chemistry is unreal, I know that much.

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