Page 15 of Matteo

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Whipping around, the color drains from my face. He can’t be serious. . .

Raising a brow at me, Enzo chuckles. “My brother might not be too happy with me if I do that, so how about you save me from that potential disaster and tell me the truth?”

So they’re brothers. Makes sense with how similar they look.

“No,” I blurt. “I don’t have any other weapons on me.Your bosstook the only one I had.”

Enzo tracks his gaze up and down my body, as if he’s trying to see if I’m hiding anything beneath my leggings, boots, and plain black sweatshirt.

“Where did you even get that pocketknife?”

“My mom gave it to me when I was fifteen. She told me to carry it with me everywhere. I checked my bag so I would have it with me here. You never know what kind of situation you could get yourself in.”Obviously.

Enzo laughs, displaying that friendly smile that fooled me into putting myself in this dire situation. “I like you, Luxtyn. Keep up that strong-willed personality and you’ll do just fine here.”

“What does that mean?” I ask, taking a few steps toward him. I should get as far away from my kidnappers as possible, but I’m still not convinced these guys want to hurt me. So that begs the question. “Why would you guys kidnap my mom?”

Enzo’s smile vanishes from his face, and I swear a look of sympathy flashes through his eyes. “Everything will be explained to you shortly.”

“Just tell me now. How can you play coy with me? Whatdid me or my mom ever do to you guys?” My voice grows louder with each question until I’m screaming at him. “Why would you take her?”

Matteo appears in the doorway behind Enzo wearing a pair of dark pants and a white button-up, no jacket, with the first few buttons undone, giving me a glimpse of his smooth tan chest with dark ink peeking through. His sleeves are rolled up, revealing his muscular forearms branded with the same dark ink.



That just adds to his overall appeal, which irritates me because the last thing I need to be feeling is any attraction to my kidnapper. I must be disturbed.

“We haven’t taken your mother,” he says as Enzo steps to the side, leaving nothing but tension filled space in between his brother and I.

“Bullshit,” I say, staying rooted in place. “You already told me you did, so don’t lie to me now.”

Matteo takes a few steps into the room, easily closing the distance between us. I have to crane my neck to keep my gaze on his.

“I told you that we hold the fate of your mother in our hands.Youmade the assumption that we have her andthatassumption is incorrect.”

He stalks around me, like I’m nothing but a measly construction cone in his way, causing me to whip around. I follow him while he makes his way around his desk, then takes a relaxed seat in his black leather chair. “What the hell is wrong with you?” I ask, stopping in front of his desk.

His lip curls into a smirk. “Sit down.”

“I don’t take orders from you,” I snap.

“Sit. Down,” he commands. “Or you won’t get anyinformation out of me.” He raises a brow, waiting to see how I proceed, and as much as I don’t want to submit to him and don’t trust a word he says, I reluctantly take a seat in the chair next to his brother. What other choice do I have? I have to play along. For now, at least.

Matteo sits up in his seat, setting his forearms on the desk. “Your father just got here. My head of security is bringing him up. Once you speak to him about everything that’s going on, we can talk about your mother’s whereabouts.”

Exasperated with this dad storyline, I slam my hands on his desk. “I don’t have a dad here, okay? You have the wrong person.”

“Luxtyn?” A low, yet soft voice comes from behind me. I turn in my seat just as an older gentleman makes his way into the room.

He’s wearing an expensive-looking navy-blue suit with a white button-up underneath. His slicked-back hair is mostly silver with darker strands sprinkled throughout, and his goatee beard is freshly trimmed. The slight creases in his forehead and on the outer corners of his eyes have me guessing he’s in his fifties.

I narrow my eyes on him. “Who are you?”

“Come on in, Mancini,” Matteo says from behind me. The older man’s soft eyes remain on mine as he proceeds forward. The addition of another man to this kidnapping should alarm me, but there’s a vulnerability in his eyes.

What the hell is going on?

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