Page 12 of Matteo

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“Aww, c’mon, Matteo. Give the girl a break. Can’t you tell you’re scaring her?” the driver says before giving me a wink in the rearview mirror.

Is this a damn joke?

“Is that true, Little Lux. Am I scaring you?” the passenger asks in a condescending tone.

My eyes snap to his, narrowing in on him as he says my nickname that only my mom uses. “How the hell do you know my name?”

“I know a lot more about you than you think,” he responds before gazing out the tinted window.

That’s it? That’s all he’s going to say?

Taking a deep breath, I try to relax my nerves and calm the racing thump in my chest. Panicking will not get me anywhere in this situation. The only thing I can think to do is call the police, so I slowly reach for my phone in my purse, trying to be discreet.

Feeling around, I brush across my pocketknife and slip it into the sleeve of my sweatshirt. I silently send a thank you to my mom for always telling me to keep it on me at all times.

“You take your phone out and I take it away. Actually. . .” Matteo says before yanking my purse off my lap.

“Hey!” I shriek as I throw myself across the backseat, finding myself in his lap as I try to retrieve my purse. When I think I have a chance at pulling it out of his grasp, he manhandles me like some brute, overpowering me with his massive size, then spins my body around and slams my back against his chest. He wraps his arms around me, holding me in place, pinning my arms to my sides. The cool metal of the pocketknife presses into my forearm.

“Is this really necessary?” I exclaim, frustrated at how easy it was for him to treat me like a rag doll. “You realize this is kidnapping, right?” I attempt to wiggle myself free from him, but it proves to be useless, as his hold only tightens.

“Keep wiggling like that and you’re going to have a bigger issue to deal with than finding your mom,” he whispers in my ear. The heat of his breath sends a wave of goose bumps along my skin. His threat doesn’t come across as intimidating, though. It comes across. . . suggestively?

The driver glances at us in the rearview mirror and smirks at our compromising position. Heat rises through my cheeks, not because I’m blushing, but because I’m pissed.

His arms loosen ever so slightly around me, so, catching him off guard, I rear my elbow back and jam it into his ribcage. I might not carry a torch to him in size, and that hit might’ve not had tremendous power behind it, but the shock factor takes him by surprise, causing him to release me as he grunts out a curse.

I roll off him back to my seat and lean as close to the door as I can, putting as much distance between us as possible. “How the hell do you know about my mom?”

The driver laughs while Matteo rights himself. “Fuck off, Enzo,” he mutters.

Matteo and Enzo. Got it. I’m reporting these assholes as soon as I figure out how to get the hell out of here.

“What did you guys do to her? Kidnap her like you’rekidnapping me?” I struggle to keep my voice from cracking with each octave.

“We’re not kidnapping you, Luxtyn,” Enzo says. I meet his gaze in the mirror before he brings his attention back to the dark road.

“No, let her think we’re kidnapping her. A little fear might do her some good,” Matteo snaps.

I glance between the two men; Enzo has a charismatic smile painted on his face, and the annoyingly ruggedly handsome one to my left has a look of annoyance prominent on his features as his mouth forms a straight line and his eyes harden into a glare.

I settle my gaze on Matteo. “I’d say locking me in this vehicle and not allowing me to leave is the definition of kidnapping. And you know my mom is missing. What kind of fucked-up situation is this?”

“So much for waiting for her dad, huh?” Enzo mutters.

My dad?

What the hell?

“One of you better start talking right now or I’ll. . . I’ll. . .”

“You’ll what?” Matteo grinds out. “You have no leverage here. You’re stuck in a car with no way out, and even if there was a way out, what’re you going to do? Jump out of a moving vehicle onto a heavily populated interstate?”

He’s right. I have no plan. He has my phone and my wallet. He’s locked me in this damn car. Even if I could open the door, I’d just get hit by another car and die.

“Just calm the fuck down. We’re almost to my penthouse, and when we get there, your dear ol’ dad can break the exciting news to you.”

I scoff. “You clearly have me mistaken for someone else. I don’t have a dad.”

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