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Some people talk to me, and I recognize a guest here and there, but I avoid eye contact because I’m not used to initiating conversation and I want to be alone and think about today.

I lean on my elbows against the railing and watch the sea.

I’m an adult now, but I haven’t experienced anything yet. Would it be stupid to engage in something purely physical with that gorgeous Greek?

God, his kiss swept me off the floor. The force of his lips against mine, the urgency, and the way his body, without forcing or saying anything, made me surrender to the desire.

What would it be like to have someone like that as a boyfriend?

The problem is, he doesn’t want a girlfriend. As far as I couldgather, he was looking for an afternoon of sex, and that just doesn’t fit in my life.

“Are you going to the crew party tonight?”

I turn to see who spoke to me. It’s one of the first-class waiters who’s never greeted me before. In fact, I’ve only seen him twice so far. “Hey. What party?”

“Yeah, this is the last port before we head home. You’re American, too, right?”

“Yes, I am.”

“This is my tenth trip, and before we reach the last port, there’s always a fun party just for the crew.”

It takes me no time to realize two things: I don’t like the way he says that, much less the way he looks at me like I’m a piece of meat. In fact, I don’t think I like him at all. The whole thing.

“I didn’t know about any parties,” I deflect, partly because it’s true and partly because I don’t want to be in the same place as this guy.

“It will be a lot more fun if you go, Zoe. There’ll be some recreational substances there to make everything colorful.”

Am I crazy, or did he just insinuate that there are drugs on the ship?

“Huh. . . okay. I’ll think about that,” I lie. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.” I start to walk away, but he grabs my arm.

“Nothing to think about, girl. Don’t be silly. Our parties are unmatched.”

I free myself with a tug and take two steps back. “You already said what you wanted, and I understand. Don’t touch me again, or I’ll report you to the captain.”

To my surprise, the threat makes him laugh. “Good luck with that,” he says cryptically.

I walk away from the insufferable man, pissed as hell that he ruined the rest of my afternoon.

I head straight for the cabin, thinking I’ll shower and get some rest. When I arrive, the first thing I see is that the place is a mess. Tamara’s clothes are scattered everywhere.

I leave my bags on the bed and head to the tiny bathroom with my phone in hand. Ten minutes later, I hear voices coming from the bedroom.

Did Tamara bring someone to our cabin? I know she’s dated some guys from the crew, and I don’t judge her, but we agreed that she wouldn’t do that where we sleep.

I thank God I brought the dress and panties I’m going to wear. I usually do this because she’s a little flighty. One time, she arrived when I was getting dressed and just left the door wide open for a few minutes, which allowed someone who was passing by to see me almost naked. Since then, I haven’t changed clothes in the bedroom.

I dress quickly, but when I’m ready to step out, I hear what sounds like groans.

I hesitate, unable to believe this is happening. There’s no way she’s having sex in our dorm, but the sounds don’t leave much to the imagination.

God, what do I do now?

I’m not a baby, but I don’t want to witness live porn either.

I take a deep breath and try to think of an escape plan. Then I open the door and start to leave the room as quickly as I can.

But when I do, I get sick from what I see.

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