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Two Months Later

“You might feela bit sore in your arm, miss,” the nurse who had just given the first shot of the vaccine tells me.

Contrary to our initial thoughts, there were already enough shots for everyone, even though they prioritized senior citizens. I decided to get mine before the wedding because, even at the risk of being bigger on the day of the party, I knew I’d feel more relaxed knowing that everybody is immunized.

Bia came along. This is the first time we’ve met after all the tragedy, even though we’ve spoken on the phone almost every day. Lately, mainly in relation to the wedding.

“I don’t like being in pain,” she tells the nurse, pulling up her sleeve to get her dose.

“The other option is much worse,” I point out.

“Don’t tell me that. Thank God life will finally get back to normal. Once you’re married, I’m finally going on vacation to the Caribbean, starting my long-awaited sabbatical year.”

“A cruise?” I ask as we walk back to the car.

“No. My friend married a millionaire.” She stops and smiles. “Anotherfriend of mine besides you,” she corrects herself, “married a millionaire. Although, in Christos’s case, the right thing to say isbillionaire.”

“And will they lend you an island?” If she wants to travel, she could go to Christos’s island in Greece.

“Are you jealous?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Perhaps during my wanderings next year, I might pass by yours.”

“Just let me know if you really want to go.”

“Speaking of Greece, the commercial and catalog you made on Christos’s island are scattered all over the world. Do you have any idea how many phone calls and emails Miguel has received every day from brands wanting you to represent them?

“Let’s get rich,” I joke.

“You’re already rich. The contract you closed with Christos got you to such a level you’re envied among the catwalk elite. But according to Miguel, you got a proposal fromVanity’srival. They are willing to double Christos’s offer for an exclusive contract and still pay his fine if you decide to change boats.”

“Does this company know that my Greek is not only my employer but also my future husband?”

“Probably, even if you haven’t announced your marriage in public yet.”

“Because Christos decided to do that when we go to the opera, in an exclusive introduction to high society, a little more than a month from now. My belly will already be visible, and the gossip websites present will have two topics to talk about at once. It will be good, even, because when they find out I’m pregnant, they’ll quickly give up offering me a fortune to model.”

“I don’t know. This newVanitycommercial is so popular now, I believe they would be willing to wait for you to have the baby.”

“I doubt very much that they don’t know that Christos and I are together. Gossip runs wild in our industry. Do they really think I would break a contract with my future husband in exchange for more money?”

“Love, you don’t know what some people are capable of for a few extra bucks in their account.”

“Some people are, but not me. Even if I wasn’t in love with Christos, no amount of money would make me break a contract. I will stay exclusively withVanityfor the agreed five years; then, I’ll stop modeling altogether.”


A Month and a Half Later

“I’m a little nervous,” I say before he opens the limo door. “No, let me rephrase that. I’mverynervous.”

“I know. I already know you, Zoe. You are emanating electricity.”

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