Page 40 of These Vicious Games

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I dragher outside the house by her hair, Ma’am screams, begging for Francis, but he just walks with us, never sparring her a glance. I nod at Francis as I disappear into the forest, her small body feeling every impact of uneven earth, every tree stump.

“I’ll let you go, I swear, just don’t kill me,” She begs, pleading for her life. Making me smile for the first time in years.

When we reach the ocean I lift her up so she's standing, watching the fire rise high where her home once stood. “I’m going to burn everything you’ve ever made into the fucking ground,” I hiss in her ear. “There will be nothing left of your sorry excuse of a life. No one will know the screams and pain you inflicted. Your friends will disappear, your little ring of fucking pedophiles, but today, I’ll start with you and everything you’ve worked for.”

She sniffs, crying as her home burns down to nothing but ash.

“Watch it!” I scream, jerking her head and making her cry out.

But I get greedy.

I can't stop the pure bliss of knowing what it’s going to be like to take her life.

I walk us into the ocean, pushing her head underwater. Bubbles rise and my clothes get soaked as she fights. Leaving scratches on my arms. The last marks she’ll ever leave on me again.

After a while, she stops fighting, but I keep her under until my hand cramps up and I have to let go.

When her body begins to float back up, I panic, pushing it back down. But soon, I realize she’s dead and watch as she floats out into the sea.

That day Atticus died and the Beast was born.

Findinga crooked lawyer in the city of Seattle wasn't hard so I could get the paperwork started on transferring everything from Ma’am’s name into mine. Until that was done, I found trouble in the form of the mafia. I had something I needed from them and it wasn't friendship but somehow that happened too.

But I got what I needed.

One single address of my obsession. Of someone who owed me. Of who I may just kill someday for what she put me through because she made me weak.

And that night I watched her, playing the song she wrote for me.

And when everything was ready, I rebuilt the castle in visions of her and I.

And then, I waited for the perfect moment to snatch her.


She doesn't say anything as she makes her way to the guest room and I don't stop her. Even I can find room inside myself to realize she needs to be alone.

Her mom is a cunt. There is no other way to describe that piece of shit. Her and my father were made for one another.

I pull out my phone and call Francis. I need him to come watch her while I take care of some things. She likes him better anyways.

She asked me for one small favor in the car over here.

“Please, Atticus. Tell me what happened.”

And like everyone else, I denied her, crushing her a little more. If her brain protected her from the memory, why would I be the one to shatter her? I won't. I’ve done that enough by coming back into her life.


Chapter 28

“The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you.”

-David Foster Wallace


"Constance,no matter what you hear or what you see, you have to run. Run and never look back. I'll find you; I promise."

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