Page 12 of Shadows of the Past

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“Wasn’t he before your time with State?”

“Yes, but he was in a group my Team was security for in Africa. Some senators, big wigs from the former administration.”

“That’s curious he’d be in Africa. FBI?”

“Probably the one bringing the cash.” Dimitri knew the kid would have a reaction to that.

“You actually saw that?”

“What? I didn’t see anything!” he teased. “I don’t focus on counting the rugs and the dollars if you get my drift. I’m more concerned about loss of life, not having the embarrassment of a bunch of important people die on my watch. That was my focus.”

“I like your comment about the carpets. Can I steal it?”

“Not if it’s about me. Not even if I’m a confidential source. No way no how. In private conversation, sure, it’s okay.”

“So, back to Moira… We sat beside each other. She was working on a story about corruption in the government and in some of the governments overseas, some of our allies. I guess, back then, you could call her a carpet counter.”

That was another new piece of news. That wasn’t the Moira he knew. But did he ever give her a chance, really? Did he even ask about it? She always asked him lots of questions, but did he ever show interest in what she was working on?

His answer to himself was a sad no.

“So you stayed in touch. Moira is like that,” Dimitri said.

“We talked quite a bit during those four days. Then she flew off to Europe or some place. She had assignments everywhere. I was most envious. I told her to keep my number and if she ever had too much on her plate to let me know.”

“You ever talk politics?”

“Nope. It wasn’t the politics either of us were interested in. It was what these guys did with it, what they were doing to the country. How they wielded their power.”

“So she was after specific people?”

“Kind of. Back then, not quite sure, but later on, yes, definitely. She was focusing more on US-European relations and the stuff they talked about at Davos.”

“Didn’t know she attended.”

“Don’t know that she did. But she followed some of the people. She interviewed lots of drivers, restaurant waiters, and hotel managers. She didn’t interview any white whales.”

“What’s a white whale?” Dimitri asked.

“The Mr. Bigs of the world. The puppeteers. The guys with the bucks, itching to spend it and see their little pet projects grow. Fester, in my opinion.”

Dimitri agreed with him on that but didn’t want to reveal it yet.

They waited for a couple to walk by, slowly kissing, holding hands, other hands going inside jackets, giggles, and all sorts of sexual tension. Reminded him of the way he and Moira used to walk. That was new love, not old love. He sighed.

“What’s wrong?” asked Jordan.

“Nothing. You have a girlfriend?”



“No. I’m not gay.”

“Neither am I,” said Dimitri.

“Duh, I didn’t expect that since you were engaged to Moira.”

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