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“And our teammate,” Zak added.

Sawyer spoke up. “You said you owe me one for Maya? I’m calling it in. Let us help.”

“You said you owe me one? I’m calling it in. Let us help.”

There was a long pause on the other end of the line. When Ethan finally spoke, his voice was strained. “You don’t know what you’re asking.”

“Then explain it to us,” Zak pressed. “We’re not going to back down, Ethan. These are our people.”

Ethan growled softly. “You want in? Fine. Choose four of your men—not Sawyer. I respect the hell out of him and trust him more than I do any of you, but I need someone who cansee. And definitely don’t send Sheriff Rawlings. I see him, we disappear. Have your men ready for pick-up in front of the hospital tomorrow morning, dawn.” He hung up before they could question him further.

“Deputy Delgado is going,” Ash said, his tone brooking no argument.

Rylan’s head snapped toward him. “What? Why?”

“Because I need someone I trust on the inside,” Ash replied firmly. “Izzy’s one of my best deputies and she’s got military experience. She goes.”

Izzy met Rylan’s gaze, her expression resolute. A mix of emotions churned in his gut—concern for her safety warring with relief that she’d be there to watch his sister’s back.

“I’m going too,” he said, turning back to Zak. There was no way in hell he was sitting this out when Rhiannon’s life was on the line.

Zak nodded. “Agreed. You and me, for sure. That’s three. Cal,” he said after a moment’s consideration. “You have inside knowledge of Hope’s Embrace that could be useful.”

Cal nodded grimly. “I’m in. Let me call Ellie.”

“Yeah,” Zak said and picked up his phone from the table. “We should all call the wives and let them know we won’t be back tonight.”

As the others made their calls, Rylan hung back, feeling suddenly adrift. He had no one to call—no wife, no girlfriend, not even a dog waiting for him at home. The familiar ache of loneliness settled in his chest.

But, no, that wasn’t entirely true. He did have someone to call.

His parents.

He pulled out his phone and dialed his dad. They’d be in the air now, but he left a message so they’d know what was goingon when they landed in California. He’d also make sure he was there at the airport to meet them this evening.

His gaze drifted to Izzy as she spoke quietly in Spanish into her phone. Who did she have to call? He knew a bit of Spanish, but all he caught of the conversation was “te amo”— I love you.


Was she in a relationship?

Rylan forced himself to look away from her, tamping down the irrational surge of jealousy. It wasn’t his business who she was calling. He needed to focus on the mission ahead and getting Rhiannon back safely.

He stepped out into the hallway, needing a moment to clear his head. The hospital’s antiseptic smell assaulted his senses, bringing back memories of his own time as a patient after losing his arm. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, centering himself.

When he opened them again, Izzy was standing in front of him, her dark eyes filled with concern. “Are you okay?”

Rylan swallowed hard, fighting the urge to reach out and touch her. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just needed some air.”

She nodded, not looking entirely convinced. “It’s all a bit nerve-wracking. We’re going into a dangerous situation with very little information.”

“I used to thrive on that.” He rubbed his prosthetic arm. “The adrenaline rush of an op.”

Izzy’s gaze followed the movement of his hand on his prosthetic. “And now?”

Rylan let out a slow breath. “Now… I’m not so sure. I’m not built for combat anymore.”

Izzy opened her mouth to respond, but she didn’t get the chance.

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