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As the argument escalated, Rhiannon darted a glance at Dottie. The older woman had taken advantage of the distraction, her fingers flying over the keypad of a small safe beneath the counter. With a soft click, the door swung open.

Suddenly, Will’s voice cut through the air. “Hey, what are you doing back there?”

Dottie froze, her hand still inside the safe. Rhiannon’s gaze snapped to Will, who was striding purposefully toward the counter, his eyes narrowed with suspicion.


She had to do something.

She darted forward, positioning herself between Will and the counter. She turned to Dottie. “Did you find the Children’s Tylenol?”

If Dottie was surprised, she did a remarkable job of not showing it. She withdrew her hand from under the counter, and a set of keys dangled from between her fingers, then she turned to the locked case of medicine behind the counter and opened it.She took out several packages and tossed one to Rhiannon. “Will that work?”

“Perfect. Thanks.” She turned to Will, purposely moving in the same direction he did so that they bumped into each other. She fumbled the medicine and dropped it. ”Oh, shit. Sorry!”

As Will bent to pick it up, Rhiannon motioned for Dottie to get the gun. The older woman quickly withdrew a sleek black handgun, tucking it into the waistband of her pants and pulling her polo shirt down to conceal it. The safe door closed with a muted thud.

Will studied the Tylenol package as he straightened. ”Why do you need this?”

“Michael’s running a fever,” Rhiannon explained, her heart pounding so hard she was surprised he couldn’t hear it. “I asked Dottie to get him something to bring it down. I’m worried about him being dehydrated in this heat.”

Will’s expression softened. “The kid? Yeah, it’s brutal in here.” He handed her the medicine. “I can get him a bottle of water if he needs it.”

Rhiannon nodded, relief flooding through her as Dottie edged by them. “Thanks. I’d really appreciate it.”

Rhiannon watched Will walk away, her heart still thundering. She turned to Dottie, who gave a subtle nod.

The gun was secure.

For now.

She made her way back to Michael and Raszta, her steps heavy with the weight of what they’d just done. As she rounded the toppled shelves, she found Michael curled up against the dog, his small body shaking with silent sobs.

“Oh, sweetheart,” she whispered, kneeling beside him. She gently touched his forehead, wincing at the heat radiating from his skin. The fever was definitely climbing.

Michael’s tear-filled eyes met hers, and he signed with trembling hands,“I want to go home.”

“I know, love. I know. We’re going to get out of here soon, I promise.”She pulled him into her arms, rocking him gently, and hoped like hell she wasn’t lying to him.

She felt a presence behind her and turned to see Pierce standing there, his expression grim. He knelt beside them, his movements careful and deliberate.“How is he?”

Rhiannon shook her head. “Not good. He’s spiked a fever. We need to get him out of here, Pierce. Soon.”

His jaw clenched as he nodded. He reached out, gently brushing Michael’s sweat-dampened hair from his forehead. The boy stirred, blinking up at Pierce with glassy eyes.

“Hey, buddy,”Pierce signed, his movements slow and exaggerated for Michael’s benefit.“How are you feeling?”

Michael’s lip trembled as he signed back weakly,“Hot.”

“It is very hot in here.”

Will appeared then with a couple of bottles of water. “Sorry, I wanted to get more, but Alan stopped me.”

Pierce gave him a grateful nod. He took the bottles, opened one, and offered it to Michael.“Small sips. It’ll help.”

Will hovered there, seemingly unsure what to do. He stuffed his hands into his jeans pockets and shifted uncomfortably, his gaze darting between them and the rest of the group.

She caught his eye, offering a small smile. “Thank you for the water, Will. It means a lot.”

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