Page 39 of Meet Me in a Mile

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“That’s the smile of someone who just figured out that the printer will also staple your pages together if you push the right buttons.”

Lydia chuckled as Jack darted into the room. “Is that whatyoudiscovered this week?” Jack held his finger to his lips, and Lydia tried not to let herself study those lips. The fullness. The way they curved when he was teasing. How smooth they looked.

“Shh,” he whispered. “Don’t let Marco hear you say that. I’ve just convinced this place that I know what I’m doing.”

He winked at her, and Lydia’s fingertips suddenly felt numb where they clutched her proposal. A couple months ago, she wasn’t even sure he knew who she was. Joining the marathon team had changed everything. It had made them...Friendsmight be too strong a word, butacquaintanceswasn’t right either. She didn’t know the word for someone who teased her one moment and bought her gifts the next—even if it was just a training water bottle. Someone who understood how hard she had to work for this career that was both creative and specialized, that would demand her time and her passion as she competed to reach a place that satisfied her professionally. Part of her felt like she’d never have to explain that feeling to Jack, and for that reason alone, he felt familiar.

“It’ll be our little secret,” she said, drawing an X over her heart. “I thought you were supposed to be dealing with the Marshalls?”

Jack’s nose wrinkled. “I might have given them the slip at Erik’s office.”

Lydia huffed. “That means Erik’s going to dump them on me next.”

“Not if you don’t go back to your office.”

Lydia raised a pointed brow at him.

“Hey, I rescued Kirsten. I think I deserve some credit.”

“So, we’re just playing client hot potato now?”

“Pretty much.”

Lydia went to stick her head out the door to see if the hallway was clear, but Jack grabbed her at the last second, hauling her back into the room. He closed the door quickly. “What are we doing?” Lydia whispered, her pulse fluttering at the base of her throat. Jack left his arms around her and she flushed from head to toe.

Jack inclined his head, and Lydia studied the strength of his jaw until she heard the voices. One was Erik. The other had to be Mr. Marshall. “We’ll just take a look and see if Marco’s in yet.”

“He’s going to dump him on the boss. This is why Erik’s smarter than all of us,” Jack said, releasing her to peek out the door. Lydia didn’t know if she was chilled or flushed or about to collapse. “I think we’re in the clear.” Jack left the door open. “If they weren’t such big clients, I’m pretty sure Marco would have let Kirsten tell Mr. Marshall exactly where to shove it by now.”

“She might still do that if he’s not careful.”

“So, what do you have there anyway?” Jack asked, nodding to the stack of papers in her hand.

Lydia remembered why she was in this room in the first place. “My proposal for the youth center. Just looking for leadership’s stamp of approval and then hopefully off to Marco.”

“Oh, excellent.” He held his hand out for the papers. “I can pass it off to the rest of the leadership team if you want.”

Lydia handed it over. He glanced through the first couple of pages, and Lydia suddenly felt like her guts had turned inside out.

“I’m really excited to get into the details,” Jack said. “I’m glad you stuck with your original design.”

That bead of pride bloomed in her chest once more, making her feel giddy.

“I’ll talk to you later,” he said, tucking her proposal under his arm.

She didn’t realize she was staring until Erik appeared at her shoulder. “We love to watch them walk away, don’t we?”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Lydia almost snapped.

“Please, I’ve been at this game a lot longer than you. I can practically feel the tension.”

Lydia buzzed her lips together. “You’re the worst supervisor.”

“I’m your favorite and you know it. That’s why you agreed to come host the booth at the Future Architects of New York mixer next month.”

“When did I agree to that?”

“Right now?”

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