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A door slammed shut in the background. Cashea sniffled and straightened in the seat.

“We stopped for gas before he took me home. These guys came and attacked Draven. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“What do you mean they attacked Draven?”

“They jumped him or at least tried to. He’s been taken to the sheriff’s department. I haven’t gone in there yet. I told him I was going to call you.”

“You did good in calling me. Were you harmed?” he asked. The tone in his voice suddenly changed. A deep murmur of male voices could be heard in the background.

“No, he made me stay in the truck.”

“He didn’t, um…” He hesitated for a moment.

Cashea closed her eyes, already knowing what he wanted to ask. With the way Draven had moved while fighting those men, she was sure he could have really injured someone. But Brett and those men had it coming. How dare they come and jump him. For what reason?

“No, he didn’t. They all were banged up pretty good. I think he broke one of their arms, though. Brett’s nose looked to be broken. But they all were alive, at least when I left.” Her words were met with a heavy sigh.

Ridge’s voice became muffled as he was speaking to someone else before he came back to her.

“We’re on our way. Just sit tight, Cashea. My brother, I’m sure is fine.”

She nodded, forgetting that he wouldn’t be able to see her. Ridge disconnected the call. She took off her seat belt and reached for her bag. She couldn’t sit out in the parking lot. She had to find out if he was okay and if they were going to release him if he was not under arrest. She grabbed his keys and phone and exited the truck.

Cashea held on to the strap of her bag and entered the building. A receptionist sat at the counter typing behind a glass window. The waitingroom was small with only a few chairs and a window that faced the parking lot. An old coffee pot sat on a small table in the corner. The scent of freshly brewed coffee greeted her.

“Can I help you?” the woman asked. Her face was tan and full of laugh lines around her eyes and the corners of her mouth. Her dark-blonde hair was streaked with gray and was pulled up into a bun on top of her head. She looked at Cashea over a pair of tiny reading glasses as she approached the desk.

“Hi. They brought in Draven Harvey,” Cashea announced. She tightened her grip on her bag to try to control the trembling. She didn’t know what to expect but she hoped she would be able to see him soon.

“Yes, he’s getting processed.”

“Processed? But Deputy Robinson said he wasn’t under arrest,” she exclaimed. What was going on? She leaned against the counter and took in the woman’s name on her ID badge. Officer Gamble. “Can I see him? At least let him know that I’m here?”

“No visitors,” Officer Gamble said. She pointed over Cashea’s shoulder. “You can have a seat, and when they are done, I will let Deputy Robinson know you are here.”

“Are they arresting him?” she asked.


“Moss. My name is Cashea Moss, and I was with Draven. Please, Officer Gamble. Is there anything you can tell me?” Cashea asked. She bit her lip and hoped the woman could tell her just a little something. It was tearing her apart not knowing what was going on.

Officer Gamble removed her glasses and set them down. “Look, Miss Moss. There is nothing for me to share with you at the moment. As I said, they are processing him. That’s all I know. Now if you have a seat, I will let the deputies know you are here.”

Cashea sniffed and turned around. She walked over to the corner where a few chairs were positioned together. She didn’t know how long it would take for Ridge to get there or who else he was bringing. She placed her bag on her lap and wrapped her arms around it. She didn’t care how long she had to stay there, she wasn’t leaving without seeing Draven.

Remembering that she was supposed to go to work, she pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to the office group chat that an emergency had come up and she wouldn’t be in. She hated to calloff, but there was no way she was leaving to go to work while Draven was possibly getting arrested. Had they given him medical attention? Why were Brett and his goons allowed to be taken to the hospital?

The waiting room’s chairs weren’t comfortable, but it didn’t matter. She would have to make do. She wasn’t going anywhere.

“You don’t know why five men would target you and want to do harm to you?” Deputy Robinson asked.

Draven sat back in his chair, thankful they had finally removed the handcuffs from his wrists. He rubbed the skin where the slight imprints had been left.

It was getting harder to bury the anger and rage that was simmering inside him. Brett would certainly pay for what had happened at the gas station. A broken nose was a small price to pay for what he was starting.

“No.” Draven flicked his gaze up and met the deputy’s. He glanced around the room and bit back a chuckle. He wasn’t fooled by the mirror hangingon the wall. Someone was on the other side, watching their interaction. He turned back to the deputy. “Am I under arrest?”

“How did you do it? Five guys coming at you, and you’re the only one walking away with a few scrapes and bruises.” Robinson jerked his chin toward Draven’s hands.

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