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Draven couldn’t catch his breath. Sweat slid down his temple, and his body trembled from his own orgasm chasing him. His balls drew up close,and he could no longer hold back. He bent down over Cashea, covering her back with his chest. Her cries were muffled by the bed, but he felt the way her muscles clamped down on him as she came again. His hips continued their motion, and finally, he tipped over the edge into ecstasy.

He roared, his climax slamming into him. Hot spurts of his release shot out of him and flew into Cashea’s womb. His hips slowed, and he thrust again, another wave of his release escaping him. He dragged in air to his lungs and caught himself before he fell completely on Cashea. He paused, leaving his semisoft cock still nestled inside her. Cashea’s skin was slick with a thin sheen of sweat. Her head was buried in the blanket. He dropped a soft kiss on her shoulder and bit back a wince.


He hoped he hadn’t been too rough with her.

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” A slight panic filled him. He withdrew from her warm sheath and felt the evidence of their activities coat his cock. He rolled to the side of her, trying to catch his breath.

“Hmm?” Her head popped up suddenly.

Her dark hair fell like a curtain over her face where he couldn’t see her. She pushed it out of the way, and her gaze fell on him. His heart was alreadyracing, but in that moment, seeing her expression of satisfaction, it skipped a beat.

“Not hardly,” she said.

He jerked his head into a nod. He reached for her and rearranged them on the bed where he fell back onto the pillows with her cuddled up into his arms. He pulled the blankets over them and for the first time felt at peace in his own home. He glanced down at Cashea who had fallen fast asleep.

He leaned over and turned off the light. In the morning, they’d have a conversation. He liked her just where she was and hoped she wanted to stay there.

Chapter Eleven

Cashea snuggled down even farther into her cozy cocoon and never wanted to leave. She inhaled and breathed in the warm musk of the figure next to her. A bit of panic filled her. The night came crashing back to her. She opened her eyes and saw a tan chest underneath her face. She blinked a few times and lifted her gaze. Her heart about pounded its way out of her chest.


She’d done it again. Slept with the man who she had originally assured him they’d have one night. Not that they had done much sleeping. Cashea remembered dozing off only to soon be awakened by a figure braced over her and her nipple being suckled on. A smile came to her lips at the memoryof him sliding back inside her and the tender way he’d made love to her.

Made love?

She swallowed hard. Maybe not made love. Fuck? The first time he’d taken her that night, there was no question that he was fucking her. She hadn’t even minded. She couldn’t ever remember having an orgasm from only penetration before. The way his cock had pounded in her, the position had been perfect for her clit to be stimulated with each of his thrusts. She shivered from the memory.

She wasn’t sure what this was between them, but she had gone and put her foot in her mouth last night. He’d said her name, and an expression she couldn’t read had fluttered across his face.

Just me and you. No thinking. Just enjoying each other.

She hadn’t wanted to know if he was about to change his mind. She was coming to realize that she had a weakness for quiet, gruff cowboys whose name began with the letter D and ended with the letter N.

Draven looked so peaceful as he slept. His dark hair was tousled from her running her fingers through his soft, thick strands. She couldn’t help it. When he’d been between her legs, she had neededsomething to hold on to while the man sent her to the moon with that tongue of his. There were no scowls or frowns on his face. His chest rose and fell in a slow and steady rhythm.

She should go.

Cashea glanced around and took note the sun was rising. The room was basked in the buttery glow of the sun’s rays filtering through the windows. She hadn’t got a good look at his room last night when he’d carried her in. She had been too enraptured by the sexy, naked cowboy standing in front of her with his massive cock fully erect. Now that she was able to take it all in, it was beautiful, but definitely the bedroom of a single man. It could do with a woman’s touch.

What was she thinking?

Let me get out of here before he wakes up.

She carefully slid to the edge of the bed, and it was then she remembered her clothes were down in the kitchen. She glanced over her shoulder and took in Draven’s muscular form. The blanket was dangerously low on his waist. Her eyes lingered where there was a slight bulge underneath it. With a shake of her head, she slowly pushed off the bed, not wanting to wake him. She tiptoed to the door and let herself out. She pulled the door up butdidn’t want to cause any noise if she shut it completely.

Cashea flew down the hall and the stairs. She found her way to the kitchen, and their clothes were in the exact same spot they had tossed them.

“You little hussy,” she muttered, gathering her items. How did she go from driving him home to sleeping with him? The moment Draven had trapped her against the patio door, she’d been a goner.

From the tour he’d given her, she remembered there was a half a bathroom down the hall. She padded that way and went in there with all of her belongings. She quickly used the facilities and threw her clothes on. She tried to fix her hair as best as she could with her fingers. Her bag was still near the front door.

She certainly had the look of someone who had been thoroughly fucked. Her body was already feeling the effects of the bedroom aerobics that had taken place. She opened the door and paused, listening for any sounds that he was awake. She would grab her bag and head out. She’d call Sara and walk toward the main road. Thankfully, she didn’t have to be at work at the normal time due to the office having a later start. Todaythe doctor would be rounding in the hospital a town over and then would come in to see patients.

Not hearing any sounds upstairs, she made a quick dash toward the front door. She scooped up her bag and hefted it up on her shoulder. She paused with her hand on the knob and glanced behind her. She didn’t know what she was expecting. Him to come rushing down the stairs to tell her not to go? The man had disappeared before she had awoken the last time with no note or a goodbye. A heavy sigh escaped her. She twisted the handle and opened the door. She stepped down onto the porch and pulled the door up as softly as she could.

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