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Together they set a steady rhythm. Every movement brought a ripple of pleasure through her body. Her pussy grew impossibly wetter, and she continued her actions.

“That’s right, Cashea,” he murmured.

She fell forward, resting her hands on the bed beside his head. He gripped her waist and took over. The room filled with the sounds of their copulation, her slickness making itself known. She wasn’t evenembarrassed about the amount of noise her pussy was making. His length slipped in and out of her with no issue. He bucked his hips while holding her in place. He fucked her harder, and she welcomed it.

“Yes,” she hissed.

Her body trembled. Each thrust of his hips sent his cock deep, and her clit stimulated. She squeezed her eyes tight, her orgasm racing toward her. Draven pounded into her and sent her barreling to the stars.

A scream erupted from her lips. “Draven!”

His grunts joined her, and he bellowed his release. Warmth flooded inside her. She shook uncontrollably, her climax washing over her. She fell forward, no longer able to hold her own weight. He caught her, wrapping his arms around her. Cashea’s face was nestled in the crook of his neck. Her breaths were coming so fast she couldn’t control them. Their bodies were slick with sweat. His warm, hard body felt good underneath her. His cock stayed nestled inside her.

At the moment, she couldn’t move if she needed to, but in all honesty, she didn’t want to.

Chapter Six

Draven guided his truck up the driveway of his home and parked it in front of the garage. He killed the engine and blew out a deep breath. He glanced over at the clock and saw that it was a little after six in the morning. He ran a hand along his face. He was late for work. He was supposed to report in at five-fifteen. It may be Saturday, but there was always work that needed to be done on a ranch.

Draven leaned his head back against the headrest, not even bothered that he was just arriving home.

How about just tonight?Cashea’s voice echoed in his head. It was like she had known what he was about to say before it even left his lips. The memoryof her soft skin over his had his cock hardening all over again. He hadn’t wanted to leave her bed, but he had to. There was nothing he could offer her.

Their night together had been mind-blowing. Her pussy had fit around him like a glove. She had tasted like the sweetest peach he’d ever had the pleasure to eat. He could still taste her delicious cunt on his tongue now. Her cries of pleasure still rang out in his ears. He closed his eyes and could still see her smooth brown skin as he had run a hand over her thick thighs.

He opened his eyes and tried to push the memory of Cashea’s cries from his memory. That’s all it was going to be now. He’d slipped from her bed while she’d slept and snuck out of her house. It hadn’t sat right with him for some reason. It wasn’t the first time he’d had one night with a woman, but for some reason, sneaking out this time left a bad taste in his mouth.

“Get moving, Harvey,” he muttered.

He opened the door to his truck and stepped out of it. He went into the house and made his way to his bedroom. He stripped off his clothing and hopped in the shower. The stinging hot water poured over him. He turned his back toward the jets and bit back a curse. A slight pain appeared on hisright shoulder. He reached out a hand and ran his fingers over the area. The memory of Cashea’s nails scraping and digging into his shoulder surfaced. She might be all smiles and sexiness, but the woman sure was a hellcat in bed.

He wasn’t sure how, but he was going to have to put her out of his mind. There wasn’t going to be a future for them, so he needed to move on.

Maybe even start going to one of the other bars in town. Cashea sang with her band at the Hen House every week. Hell, they had the best beer on tap, and Danny’s service was superb.

He was fucking screwed.

Draven snatched his soap up and washed up. He didn’t take long in the shower. He was sure his father was going to be wondering where he was. They had plenty of work to do today. They were supposed to be moving one of the herds to the southern pasture, but he was going to have to be a little later than usual. He had some business to take care of. His father would understand. In the year he’d been back on the ranch, he’d never been late nor had he missed a day.

Twenty minutes later, he strolled out of his house and jogged down the stairs. He hadn’t had any caffeine yet. He’d grab some over atthe main house. He was sure Miss Bee had her signature brew waiting. He jumped back in his truck and headed over to where his father lived.

Miss Bee was a pretty woman in her late fifties who had been hired to work for his father after his wife had passed. Miss Bee was in charge of cleaning and cooking. She even cooked for the ranch hands. Her meals were legendary. Her desserts were one of a kind. Even when Draven was in the service he would receive packages from Miss Bee. She’d always toss in a letter and put ‘from Andy and Bee.’ Her peanut butter cookies were one of his favorites. When he was stateside, he looked forward to receiving a box from her.

That woman was sure sweet on his father. Draven hadn’t asked him if there was something going on between the two of them. He wasn’t sure even at his age if he wanted to know certain things about his father.

The Silver Creek Ranch was a large enough stead that his father had gifted Draven and his brother land and had even built homes for them on it. The ranch was to be their legacy, and when Draven had first come home, he hadn’t felt like staying in his home alone. They had built the house a few years back when he had firstmentioned retiring. His father wanted to ensure that each of his sons had a place of their own. His brother, Ridge’s home, wasn’t that far from Draven’s. They had their own little corners of the ranch where they could have privacy.

If Andy had his way, both Ridge and Draven would settle down, get married, and start their own families right here on the ranch. Draven snorted. Maybe Ridge was willing to settle down. His brother was good-looking and outgoing. Some lucky woman was out there waiting on him. He was crazy intelligent, too. He’d gone to college and became a veterinarian. Their father utilized him as the local vet for all of the animals on the ranch, which was handy since Ridge lived on the Silver Creek property.

Draven parked his truck out front of the main house. It still looked the same as it had when he was a young kid. The house had seemed massive when he was younger. There were lots of good memories in this home. Ridge and he had been lucky. Their childhood was filled with love and laughter. Draven caught sight of himself in the rearview mirror and stared.

What had happened to him?

War, that’s what happened.

He killed the engine and got out of his truck. He walked up to the front door and tapped on the screen door a couple of times before opening it. One thing about his father’s house, the front door was never locked.

“Pops?” he called out.

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