Page 97 of Dirty Ultimatum

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“You got her back, Iker,” she murmured.

Iker and Jessica made a beautiful couple. Anyone with eyes could see how much in love they were. Iker turned his hand slightly and captured hers. A small smile played on his lips. He looked down at their hands before glancing up to her.

“And you are getting your happy ever after.”

Jordan gave him a little squeeze before letting go. She sat back, and her heart skipped a beat at the thought of having a future with Rhys. That was what she truly wanted.

“I’m glad you have Rhys. I was afraid you’d be leaving broken hearts over this damn city that we’d have to clean up.” Iker grinned.

Jordan laughed. For a long time she, Iker, and Zain had a pact of staying single. While the other members of SWAT were out falling in love and getting married, they had agreed the single life was for them.

Now Iker was with Jessica, Zain with Omara, and Jordan was with Rhys. They had fallen in line with their brothers in blue and found the love of their lives.

“I’m afraid there is only one heart I’m interested in,” Jordan admitted honestly. She’d had her share of flings once she’d been in Columbia. None of the other men could hold a candle to Rhys. She’d found her match and was not going anywhere. Jordan pushed back from the table stood. “I better help him.”

“Here, I can help.” Iker stood, but Jordan held up a hand.

“Oh, no. You are a guest.” She grinned. She took his plate and stacked it on top of hers along with Rhys’s.

Her smile slipped from her lips at the sound of Honor’s low growl. The German Shepherd stood and crept to the stairs. Jordan scanned the yard, and even in the low light, she didn’t see anything, but that meant nothing.

If something was making Honor growl, then something or someone was out there.

“In the house, Knight,” Iker said. He whipped out a weapon from the back of his jeans. He walked over to where Honor stood.

“Like hell I am.” Jordan slammed the plates down on the table.

“I’m here to protect your ass, Knight. Now get in the house. I’m going to go check it out,” Iker said.

Jordan grabbed the plates and stomped to the house. She slid the door open and put the dishes on the counter near the sink. Anger boiled inside her. She wasn’t one to run from a fight.

Rhys came from down the hall and appeared in the doorway. He immediately zoned in on her.

“What is it?” he asked. He made his way to her.

She gripped the counter and pointed toward the door.

“Honor picked up on something out there, and Iker is checking it out,” she bit out through clenched teeth.

Rhys moved over to a drawer in the island and pulled out a Glock.

“Stay here,” he ordered.

She walked around the island back toward the door. Rhys paused and glanced over his shoulder.

He narrowed his gaze on her. “Stay away from the doors and windows.”

He disappeared through the door and shut it behind him. Jordan looked around for something she could throw, but nothing in the kitchen deserved to be broken. Her hands balled into fists as she paced back and forth. This was not her. She didn’t hide. If Bravon wanted her, then he needed to grow balls and face her like a man instead of sending his lackeys.

Jordan rushed into the living room where she’d hidden her own gun. Rhys wasn’t the only one who had weapons placed around the house. She skidded to a halt in front of the television stand. She reached behind it and knelt on the floor. There was a hidden drawer where she had stashed a gun. She opened the drawer and pulled out her nine millimeter G2C. She gripped it tight. There was nothing better than holding a hard steel weapon in her hands. She pushed off the floor and stood.

A calmness settled in her as she marched back through the house. Her body was on alert while she listened to any noises that came from the house. With Nova gone and Rhys and Honor outside, there shouldn’t be any. She paused at the back door and glanced out the window.

Stay away from the doors and windows.

Jordan grumbled and slid the door part of the way open. She leaned out and peeked into the yard. She was met with the sounds of the night that was upon them. Jordan blew out a deep breath and flipped the safety off. She raised the gun and stepped out onto the patio. Her heart beat a steady pace. She scanned the yard. Low voices came from the small thicket of woods that was behind the house. Jordan made her way to the stairs and walked down them. The voices had to be Rhys and Iker.

She calmly crossed the yard and arrived at the thicket of trees. She glanced behind her to ensure no one or nothing had crept behind her. Again, she saw nothing. The sounds of nighttime grew louder. Usually they calmed any anxiety she had and helped her relax.

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