Page 8 of Dirty Ultimatum

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“I will get to find out who this mysterious woman is, right?” Zayden asked after Rhys hadn’t responded.

“We’ll see. We are just making sure everything is right before us. We don’t want to rush anything,” Rhys said. He headed back into the house through the patio door.

Honor had lain on her doggy bed Nova had purchased for her. She lifted her head for a moment to see if he wanted her tocome with him, but he signaled for her to stay. She lowered her head back down and rolled over onto her side.

“I hate to cut this short, but are you calling about my love life or is there something you need?”

He didn’t care that he probably sounded like an ass, but he was sure his friend would understand. He headed over to the counter where he’d prepped the meat. He was keeping their meal simple. A few steaks, some burgers, hot dogs, and even some chicken breasts for Honor. He had a few sides in the warmer and drinks chilling in the fridge.

Rhys was a man who was always prepared.

“Nah, didn’t want much. Just living vicariously through you at the moment. You’re living the life, it sounds.”

“Whatever.” Rhys snorted.

Zayden was single, mid-thirties, a great guy, and never lonely. Rhys could never keep up with the women Zayden was attached to. He grabbed the utensils he needed and headed back outside.

“I did receive an email that one of the news channels wanted to do a spotlight on the dogs, and I threw yours and Honor’s names out there. Arlo already volunteered him and Kimbo. I figured you wouldn’t mind.”

Rhys grimaced. He hated being in the spotlight but understood that occasionally this was a part of his job. With the community taking interest in the K9 program and their training of the dogs and their handlers, it could lead to a higher budget and possibly the hiring of new K9 handlers.

“Sure. Just text me the details or forward me the email,” he replied.

“I knew I could count on you.”

“Yeah, yeah. You don’t have to kiss my ass, but you are buying me a case of beer for this shit.” Rhys chucked. He arranged his tools on the grill’s shelves and was ready.

All he needed was his woman to arrive home.

His breath caught in his throat.

Would Jordan consider moving out to the farm with him? They had already moved fast, and he knew she felt something for him. She never wanted to leave when it was time for her to go. Why keep separate residences in the same town?

Rhys exhaled and blinked.

“I already know. Daxton will be there, too, and has already told me what bottle of bourbon to buy him and what treats Hawk likes.” Zayden sighed.

It didn’t take much to please the men of the K9 handler team or the dogs. Rhys grinned. That sounded like Daxton. He could be a grouch but was one dependable cop.

“Well, if Dax is putting in orders for Hawk, just know that Honor loves her some chicken,” he replied.

“Got it.”

Rhys disconnected the call and slid his phone back in his pocket. He washed his hands then returned to the patio. A low growl emanated from Honor. She pushed up, her ears erect as she listened to whatever it was she heard.

It was then he caught the faint sound of a car.

“Who is it?” he asked.

Honor gave another growl and began creeping off the patio. Rhys figured it was Jordan. She was the only one due to come over, and Nova would be leaving soon to go visit with some friends since she was home.

“Is it Jordan?”

At the sound of Jordan’s name, Honor’s tail wagged furiously. She took off running around the side of the house. Rhys chuckled. He wasn’t sure who would be more excited to see Jordan—him or the dog. He’d share Jordan for a little while, then he would have her all to himself. He was a very patient man.

Waiting on her was completely worth it.


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