Page 72 of Dirty Ultimatum

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She smirked, already knowing what he was insinuating. His marriage to Sara Beth. She would have to agree. One minute in that woman’s presence, and Jordan could not see what Rhys had ever seen in her.

Hell, she wasn’t even that cute.

“I’m sorry,” she replied. It was all she could say, but she hadn’t lied.

She had been used to being the protector her entire life. From the moment her parents had brought Omara home from the hospital, Jordan had looked out for her younger sister. WhenOmara was five years old and had come home crying because a boy had taken her quarter she had found at the park, Jordan had marched up there and beat the kid up and got Omara’s money back. When the mean girls in middle school were talking shit about her, it was Jordan who’d gone and straightened them out.

She had spent her life watching out for those she loved and she wasn’t going to stop doing it now.

“I love you,” she said softly. She held back a grimace as she straightened in the bed. The pain medication the nurse had given her had worn off. She hadn’t even thought about calling for more when the guys were in the room. They had been deep in discussion, and she’d ignored the pain. Now it was setting in again.

“What is it?” Rhys frowned. He sat forward and turned to her slightly. The man didn’t miss anything when it came to her.

“Pain,” she admitted. It had taken a lot for her to share that she had been hurting. But she would have to admit it wasn’t often she got tossed around in her police vehicle while it flipped over. She grimaced and sat forward.

“Want me to call for the nurse?” Rhys asked. He reached over her while speaking and snagged the call button.

Jordan nodded, knowing that when the nurse arrived she would have the good stuff.

Honor lifted her head from where she lay on the floor near them. She looked to Jordan to see if she would get the invitation to join her again on the bed. Jordan smiled at the pup. Honor whined to voice her displeasure at Jordan.

“Sorry, girl,” Jordan mouthed to her.

Honor lowered her head again and huffed. The dog sure knew she could have an attitude. Jordan didn’t know where the pup got it from. She leaned back against the pillows while Rhys stood. He turned and sat back down and faced her with worry lining his face.

“I’m okay.” She took his hand in hers.

“You’re doing it again,” Rhys muttered. He rubbed the back of her hand with his free one. “I’m supposed to be reassuring you.”

“My bad. Hold on.” Jordan rested her other hand on her forehead and groaned. This had to be an Oscar-award-winning performance. “Oh, the pain.”

“You are an ass, you know that, don’t you?” Rhys snickered.

Jordan smiled through the pain and was truly happy he was there. A few moments later, the nurse, Neveah, stuck her head inside the doorway.

“Did you need something, Miss Knight?” Neveah asked.

“Can I have something for pain? It’s killing me,” Jordan admitted.

Rhys’s frown returned as he watched her. It was obvious he didn’t like seeing her this way, but he didn’t say a word.

“I believe you can. Let me double-check.” Neveah ambled into the room and went over to the computer near the bed. She typed out a few commands and pulled up a screen. She eyed it for a moment before nodding. “Yup. I can do your pain meds. I’ll be right back.”

Neveah exited with the promise that it wouldn’t take her long to return.

“Tell me. What happened?” Rhys asked. His voice was low and filled with a slight edge. A muscle in his jaw ticked.

She had hoped he wouldn’t inquire about the accident—attempt on her life.

“I thought it was going to be a simple stop. An SUV blew though a red light in front of me. I figured I had no choice but to go after them, pull them over, issue a ticket, and then I’d be free and clear to return to the station and clock out,” Jordan began. She and Rhys had made plans for after work. It was oneof the few shifts where they were scheduled the same. Whenever it happened, it made it easy for them to plan things.

Neveah reentered the room. Jordan paused her story so the nurse could administer her the medication. Neveah was swift with it. Before long, Jordan was resting back against the pillows with the good stuff flowing through her veins.

Jordan grinned and began to tell the story again. Rhys’s eyes narrowed on her.

“Are you high?” he asked.

“Yup.” Jordan giggled. She was slightly high, but the pain was dissipating. It was a win-win situation for her.

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