Page 60 of Dirty Ultimatum

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She hadn’t abided by his deadline and now she was going to pay for it. She’d only be too happy to do so without giving up her brothers in blue.

But if she was going to go out, she was taking someone with her. She reached down and felt for her firearm in the holster on her waist. Jordan released a curse at the way her hand was shaking. She could barely undo the clasp that held her gun in place. Her hand slipped around the handle, and she felt comforted by it. She held her breath and waited.

The driver’s and passenger doors opened. She couldn’t tell if it was the vehicle that had hit her or the one that had been trailing behind her.

“Man, we don’t have time for this,” a deep voice said.

Footsteps came toward her car. She tightened her hand on her gun. She inhaled slowly and released the safety. Slow and steady. Jordan didn’t want to create any noise to alert these men that she was conscious or even alive.

Would Bravon want these men to kill her or would he do it himself?

Knowing Bravon, he would want to do it himself.

“The boss said we were to bring her in to him,” another voice said.

Well, shit. That just confirmed what Jordan had assumed. Bravon wanted her still. But that didn’t allow her to relax. If they thought they were going to get her out of this car without a fight, they needed to think again.

Jordan was going to put up the ultimate fight.

Even if something was wrong with her arm, she still had another good one and two legs. She wiggled her toes and felt them all move in her work boots.

Yup, she still had two good legs that would allow her to kick some ass.

The sirens were growing closer.

“We got to go, man. Five-o will be here any second. I ain’t getting run in for this shit,” the first voice said. Whoever it was began jogging away from Jordan’s car. “He sure as hell won’t get us out of jail if we get arrested.”

“You’re right. He’s going to be pissed. We’ll have to grab her at another time.”

Two car doors slammed before the sound of tires squealing filled the air. Jordan watched the large vehicle drive off. Her heart continued to race. Bravon was going to come for her. She was not safe.

Hell, his men had just tried to kill her.

Or kidnap her. She wasn’t quite sure they knew what they were doing. If he wanted her alive and brought to him, what would have happened had they succeeded in killing her?

The wail of the siren was close. She took in the sight of emergency vehicles headed her way. Not only were there a couple of patrol cars but an ambulance and a fire truck.

Good, the calvary had arrived.

She relaxed only slightly. A dull pain took root at the base of her brain. She grimaced from the strength of it. She reacheddown and attempted to hit the button to her seat belt, but it was stuck.

Jordan released a grunt. She needed to be free. Hanging upside down was not helping this pain that was spreading throughout her body. She cried out after another attempt to free herself failed.

“Officer Knight?” a voice called out.

“Yeah.” Jordan hated how weak her voice sounded. She cleared her throat but began to feel weak. What the hell was going on with her? Something trailed lower on her face. She reached up with her free hand and wiped at it. Her eyes widened at the sight of blood covering her fingers.

When had she hit her head?

She tried to remain calm. Bleeding from the head always appeared worse than it actually was. She remembered learning that in one of her first-aid courses. She inhaled again and tried to will her heart from trying to pound its way out of her chest.

“Are you injured?” the voice asked. A cool brown hand appeared and took hold of her left wrist, palpating for a pulse.

She wanted to snatch her hand back but figured this must be one of the EMTs. He released her after a moment. She could hear him position himself on the ground next to her.

“I’m not sure,” Jordan replied. This time her voice was a little bit stronger. The pain in her head was now throbbing. She winced and put her gun back into her holster. Her heart continued to pound against her chest. The feeling of the car closing in on her rose. Panic set it. “I need to get out of here.”

“The firemen are here. They are probably going to have to cut you out. It will have to be coordinated so you don’t just fall down and hurt yourself even more.” The man’s voice was calm and assuring.

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