Page 6 of Dirty Ultimatum

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“Excuse me? What do I look like?” He took a sip of his coffee and leaned back against the counter and watched her fix up her drink.

Nova was like him with a coffee addiction. Sara Beth used to yell at him for allowing Nova to sip on his coffee when she was younger. Hell, it hadn’t hurt her. Look at her now. All grown up and a college woman. His father had allowed him to drink coffee as a kid, and as much as Sara Beth would say he was touched in the head, there was nothing wrong with him. Newmans drank coffee.

“Only pervs do that, and you are not one.” She tossed her spoon in the sink and leaned her hip against the island. She took a sip of her drink and shuddered. “Guys who do that apparently think it will make women trip over their feet to date them.”

He narrowed his eyes on her.

“Who has sent you a picture of their dick?” he growled.

He and Honor would take a trip and visit whoever had sent Nova a picture of their fucking junk. They would ensure that whoever the punk was, he would never think of sending another X-rated photo again. As if sensing he was thinking of her, Honor arrived back at the door. She stuck her head in first and whined before joining them in the kitchen.

“Dad, you can’t go around arresting everyone.” Nova sighed.

Honor went over to Nova and barked.

Apparently, Honor disagreed. She was just as protective of Nova as he was. It was good to know his partner would lay down her life for his child. From the moment he had first brought Honor home as a pup, there was a bond forged between not only him and Honor, but between the dog and Nova.

“I can arrest whoever is showing my daughter their damn dick,” he muttered and took another sip of his coffee. Rhys just didn’t understand how Nova was still clueless about how far he would go to protect her.

He glared at her, but Nova rolled her eyes and motioned to his phone.

“Back to our prior discussion. What are you going to say to Jordan?” she asked.

The fight in him immediately dissipated the moment she brought up Jordan.


What was he going to say? Wearily, he ran a hand along his jaw. Honor whined and disappeared out of sight for a moment. Her claws scraping along the floor filled the air while she rushed out of the room.

“That is none of your business,” he replied.

Honor returned carrying her bowl and dropped it at his feet. She sat and stared at him.

He rubbed her on her head and laughed. “I got it, Honor. Your Majesty is ready to eat.”

“I’ll do it. You respond to Jordan and I’ll feed Honor.” Nova tapped her thigh to signal for Honor to come to her. “Bring your bowl, sister. Dad needs to do something important.”

Honor grabbed her bowl and followed behind Nova.

Nova turned around and grinned at him. “And don’t say anything corny, Dad!”

She and Honor disappeared around the corner, leaving him alone in the kitchen. He stepped forward to where his phone rested on the counter and stared at it. He placed his cup down and decided to just be simple. Jordan apparently liked him for who he was. He picked up the phone and typed out a response.

Bring your bag, I’ll start the grill.

Rhys closedthe hood of the grill and basked in the warm sunshine. The fire had died down, and the coals were ready for him to throw the meat on the grill. It was a perfect day to eat out on the patio. The weatherman had announced plenty of heat and sunshine. The sky was a beautiful, picturesque blue with not a cloud in sight. Rhys enjoyed the outdoors. There was nothing like breathing in fresh air and being one with the land.

Rhys and his brother, Layton, had spent much of their childhood camping and hunting with their father, Tate Newman. Rhys had much respect and love for the old man. Tate was a man who had ensured his boys had never wanted for anything and knew how to take care of themselves. They had lived out in the country where their small town was the posterboard for Southern living.

Rhys gazed out on his property, and pride swelled in his chest. The plush greenery, the barn off in the distance, the coral with a few of his prized horses grazing the land, all belonged to him.

Honor trotted back over to him carrying one of her squeaky rope toys.

“Again, girl?” A deep chuckle escaped him. Honor was still a pup at heart and loved playing games. He reached down and grabbed the end of the rope and tugged.

A growl escaped the fawn-and-black German Shepherd. She refused to drop it and pulled back hard, trying to get him to release it.

“How can I throw it if you won’t let it go?”

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