Page 34 of Dirty Ultimatum

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“Whatever. Next time, though. I promise,” Jordan said.

“I’m going to hold you to it.” Dana winked and spun on her heel, muttering as she walked away.

“You do that.” Jordan chuckled. She would make sure that the next time they invited her out she’d go. This was one of the reasons Jordan loved where she worked. Not that everything was perfect, and there were some assholes who worked there, but the women truly supported each other here, and her SWAT family was just that. Jordan had inherited seven brothers who would go to hell and back for her.

Jordan finished getting ready. Twenty minutes later, her hair and makeup were done. She slammed her locker shut and blewout a deep breath. She picked up her purse and threw the strap over her head so it could rest across her chest. It was a little heavy due to the Ruger she’d stashed in it. Her dress wouldn’t allow her to strap anything to her inner thigh, so a purse it was. She snagged her duffle bag and walked over to one of the floor-length mirrors to take in her outfit.

Jordan had to admit she looked damn good.

“My office was just notified that Mr. Bravon Huff was released from prison a week ago.”

She inhaled and tried to push down this weird feeling that was settling in the pit of her stomach. She closed her eyes and breathed out deeply. Her gut was telling her something, and she had to listen to it.

When in the midst of danger, she had always listened to it.

For some reason, she knew she had to go home first. She had plans to meet Rhys, but that inkling she was getting was that she had to go home. She hadn’t been there in a while, having spent the night out at the farm and then working. She just needed to make sure everything was okay there.

And grab a few extra weapons to keep on her. Jordan was always a woman who wanted to be prepared for the unexpected.

Jordan made her way to the locker door and sent up a prayer that she wouldn’t run into any of the guys.

Especially Iker and Zain.

Omara was already on her about this secret person she was seeing, and if Zain saw her leaving work cute, he’d tell on her to Omara. Her sister officially hung around too many cops and was becoming a little detective with her lines of questioning she’d been throwing at Jordan. She’d had to admit to Omara that she was seeing someone, but she just hadn’t shared who.

It just about killed her to keep the secret from her, but then Jordan thought of how Omara and Zain had kept their budding relationship from her. Jordan would admit she may haveoverreacted, but it didn’t help her short-fused temper to find her fellow officer half naked in her sister’s kitchen one night.

Jordan arrived at the door and cracked it opened slightly. The bustle from the precinct floated through the air. She eyed the men’s locker room which was closed.

She’d better hurry before someone came out.

Jordan beelined it out of the locker room and kept her head down. She tossed her duffle bag’s strap on her shoulder and sent up a prayer that she could make it to her car without incident. Not wanting to increase the chance of being seen, she kept to the back hallways and avoided the main area. She could sneak out the back door and just walk around the building to the parking lot.

A few minutes later, the door came into sight. Her pace automatically quickened. She was going to make it. Jordan’s hand landed on the door, but before she could push it, the damn thing swung open.

“Knight?” Iker’s incredulous voice bit through the air. A sharp whistle rang out behind it.

Jordan sighed and eyed her two SWAT teammates. A slick smile spread across Iker’s face while Ash’s eyebrows rose high.

“Where in the hell are you off to?”

She had almost made it. Jordan sighed again and waited for their jokes. Had she been on the other side, she was sure she would be giving one of them shit about something. She had already been vocal with Iker and Zain about how they had abandoned her to leave her as the only single person on the team.

“Whoever she’s meeting must be special.” Ash chuckled. He slid his baseball cap around before folding his arms in front of his chest.

The two of them were covered in sweat and must have been on a run.

Without her.


She would have loved to go running with them. Had she known, she might have pushed her plans back a little, but then again, she thought of Rhys and shook her head. Nope, he was more important.

“Looking good, Knight.” Iker winked at her. “And is that makeup I see on your face?”

Jordan rolled her eyes again. He wasn’t going to let her live this down. She was sure by tomorrow everyone would know exactly what she was wearing.

“Fuck off.” Jordan pushed past the two of them. She held her head up high and ignored the fake catcalls and laughter that echoed behind her. She had to fight to keep the smile off her face. Her teammates could be idiots at times, but dammit if she didn’t love them for it. She raised her hand in the air and gave them her infamous flip-off. She spun around and shouted, “You didn’t see me!”

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