Page 32 of Dirty Ultimatum

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Jordan tore her eyes from the initials and found her team looking at her. A nervous laugh escaped her. Their piercing gazes didn’t waver while they waited for her to respond.

“I’m fine. Why?” She shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. Maybe this was a coincidence, but she was fooling herself to even think this. It was the work of Bravon. He was sending her a message. With the death of the gangster upstairs who was a member of the same gang Bravon belonged to, it was a message she was reading loud and clear.

“You’ve been studying it as if you know what they stand for.” Brodie jerked his chin to the wall.

He pulled his phone from his pocket and snapped a picture. He was the technology genius on the team. If he couldn’t figure out a solution to a problem, then his tech business mogul friend had the technology that would help. Jordan was impressed by his friend’s generosity when it came to the latest technology toys Brodie would receive.

“No, I don’t know what it stands for. Just running possibilities through my head, but I got nothing,” Jordan replied coolly. She erased all emotions from her face.

Her team appeared to believe her and turned their attention away from her. She relaxed slightly, but her mind was racing.

How the hell was she just notified of Bravon’s release from prison and the same day this happened? A chill rippled its way down her spine. Bravon was fucking with her.

She glanced around the room; she’d have to tell her teammates sooner rather than later what had happened back in Atlanta. They needed to know that she had a direct connection with their number one enemy.


The steam clouded her vision. Jordan turned around and let the prickling spray of hot water rinse the dirt and grime away. After a long day of police work, she was bone-tired. After she and the team had returned to the precinct, she had headed straight to the showers. There was no time for her to go home as she had somewhere special to go. A small smile graced her lips but soon died as the image of what she had witnessed on that wall back in that mansion entered her head.

She stood, confused as to what she had seen earlier that day.

Her initials.

Her fucking initials painted on the wall with what appeared to be blood. She reached up and wiped the water away from her eyes. She had hoped to put her past behind her. Moving to Columbia was to give her a new start. Not only had Omara and Jason needed her, but she needed them. She was the protector. She was the one who stood up for the person who couldn’t.

Jordan didn’t need anyone to fight her battles for her. Bravon had thought he could twist and mold her into something she was not. She was much stronger than she looked, and he had been a fool to think she would roll over and let him walk all over her.

But standing up for herself had cost her everything back in Atlanta.

The trust of her fellow officers.

Her career.

Jordan stood tall and spun around to rinse the rest of the soap and suds off her toned body. Anger boiled inside her as she thought of everything he had cost her. How had she been so naïve? So gullible and blind to what had been in front of her? Like a moth to a flame, she had been drawn to Bravon. He had been handsome, charming and attentive.

Everything that she had wanted in a man.

And she’d fallen for it.

There were signs that she’d ignored. The first being whenever there was an event with the precinct she worked at or for the city, Bravon always had an excuse for why he couldn’t attend.

“Baby, I can’t. I’m going out of town for business. Why don’t I give you the money for a new dress. You’re going to be the coldest woman there,” Bravon murmured. He tilted her chin upward. His smooth, dark-brown skin, perfectly trimmed mustache, and big brown eyes drew her in.

Disappointment filled Jordan, but she swept it aside. Again, he wasn’t going with her. A few of the girls thought she had an imaginary boyfriend.

“Are you sure you can’t make other arrangements? Can’t someone else go?” she asked. She wrapped her arms around his waist. She loved the feeling of him against her. She breathed in his cologne and sighed. She already knew what he was going to say.

“I can’t. It’s something I have to do.” He gently unwrapped her arms from him and reached behind him and took his wallet out of his jeans. He opened it to reveal a wad of notes.

Jordan kept her face neutral as she took in the amount of money. She never questioned why he always had so much cash on him. He pulled out a stack of hundreds and handed them to her.

“But I’m hoping this will make up for it. Buy you something nice to wear—not a new gun.”

Jordan smirked. She did love dressing up fancy when the time called for it, but there was nothing like purchasing a new weapon. She’d had her eye on this one Glock that had her name on it. Her dress wouldn’t cost nearly what he was giving her. She’d buy her outfit, get her hair done, then that Glock would be hers.

A little voice in the back of her head screamed a warning, but Jordan pushed it away. Bravon had a good job. He said he was old school and just didn’t do credit cards and online banking.

Hell, her father had grumbled about the same thing and how everyone shouldn’t trust the computers and technology with all of their money.

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