Page 30 of Dirty Ultimatum

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When it came down to hostages, two hours with no communication was two hours too damn long.

“Get your ass in here, Knight,” Iker said.

Her feet flew down the hall. Even though the SWAT team was scouring the home, she wasn’t taking any chances.

She arrived at the master bedroom and walked through the double doors. The suite was larger than the first floor of her home. There was a small sitting area in the suite where Iker and Zain stood staring down at the floor.

Jordan’s heart thundered as she made her way toward them. They should have never separated, but Iker and Zain were stubborn as mules and left her behind so they could continue on.

“I swear if you are fucking with me, I will shoot you,” she muttered.

She arrived at Iker’s side and froze. Two bodies lay on the floor. The woman, her dark hair spread out around her head like a halo. Her clothes dripped money while her feet were encased in high-heeled shoes. A diamond necklace and bracelet rested along her neck and wrists. Her skin was pale while her body was lifeless.

And then there was the blood.

There was so much of it, seeping from underneath her, marring the white marble floor.

Jordan’s eyes cut over to the male whose body was crumpled to the floor. His white button-down shirt had large splotches of blood on the front. It couldn’t have been his.

His injury was a bullet to the head. Blood pooled on the floor below him. Jordan grimaced at the sight of brain matter mixed with the blood. A large handgun lay a few inches away from his left hand.

“Lorenzo Martin,” Jordan murmured. It was the gangster who had evaded police and apparently took his woman hostage.

“Murder-suicide,” Zain announced. He slid his firearm back into the sheath with a shake of his head.

They remained where they were, neither of them willing to risk disturbing the crime scene.

“Mac, come in. We’ve found the suspect and hostage,” Iker announced into the comms.

Static filled Jordan’s ears. She grimaced and rubbed her ear. Iker and Zain frowned at the same time. It must not be just hers malfunctioning. The sound finally disappeared, before Mac’s voice broke through.

“Roger that. Alive?” Mac asked.

“That’s a negative,” Iker replied.

“On the way,” Mac growled.

Jordan took in the grim scene and shook her head. This was the part of her job that she hated. She’d become a police officer to help people. Arrest the bad guys. Save the day. As a SWAT officer, they were meant to preserve life. Tonight, they had failed at their mission.

Why did he have to kill the woman? Lorenzo Martin was wanted on plenty of charges that would have given him jail time.

“Was this worth it?” Jordan asked. She stepped back and spun around, unable to continue to view the fresh dead bodies. She could tell whatever had gone down must have happened before they’d arrived. Hell, some of the blood underneath the woman had congealed. “What would make him kill his girlfriend, then turn the gun on himself?”

Jordan’s hand tightened on her gun. She still didn’t feel safe enough to put it away. Her gut churned as she glanced around the luxury bedroom. Something was still afoot. She didn’t know what it was, but she was going to remain alert.

“Who knows. There’s no telling what drugs he was on. That new street drug that’s out there that they cut with fentanyl takesaway their decision-making process. He could have been manic or high as hell,” Zain said.

“Or maybe he wasn’t the killer,” Mac’s gruff voice sailed through the room. He entered with Declan, Myles, Ash, and Brodie trailing in behind him.

Jordan’s head whipped in his direction. What was he talking about?

“Or he and the girlfriend knew something that was worth dying for,” Brodie said. He folded his arms. He obviously knew something.

“Well, it’s not for us to speculate or investigate. CSI is on their way up,” Declan said.

Immediately, the crime scene investigation team swept in.

“Did anyone touch the bodies?” an older man with salt-and-pepper hair asked. Blue medical gloves covered his hands.

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