Page 16 of Dirty Ultimatum

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Jordan rolled her eyes. He didn’t have to lock the poor dog up. He could have just closed the door or something. The pup shouldn’t be locked away when they were home.

Rhys gave the toy another toss. This time it flew through the air. Honor took off across the yard, her body a blur.

“That’s it. I’m done,” Rhys muttered. He turned around, a sexy grin on his lips.

Jordan’s heart did a little dance.

He walked back toward the patio while Honor was happily trotting back from catching her toy. “I’m too old for this.”

“Seriously?” Jordan arched an eyebrow. He was in perfect shape. Between working as a police officer and owning his small farm, the man was fit for his age. His body was perfectly sculpted, and she would know. She knew every inch of him and had counted the amount of ridges on his abdomen with her tongue numerous amounts of times.

He came over to her and grabbed her by her hand.

“Hey, I’m comfy here,” she grumbled.

He plopped down on the chaise and then pulled her down onto his lap. He spread his legs to allow her to fall between them. He tugged her back, wrapping his arms around her.

“Isn’t this better?” he murmured. He kissed her shoulder then reached for the remote to the television.

“Yes.” She turned and snuggled down, resting her face on his chest. Here was where she belonged. Honor came up on thepatio and dropped her toy down next to the chaise. Her pleading eyes met Jordan’s. “Oh, no, girl. Not right now. I’m too sore from workouts today.”

She wasn’t going to complain. Mac and Declan kept the SWAT team in tip-top shape. They had to be in order to be proficient at their jobs. They had to be ready for any situation when it came to being a SWAT officer. It was a dangerous job, and each officer was responsible for making sure the entire team remained safe and returned home. From kidnappings to drug raids, there was an element of danger that went into their job. She loved the adrenaline rush she got, putting her gear on and strategically entering a building.

They never went in guns blazing.

That was how someone got killed.

Instead, every move was practiced with such precision that working with her SWAT brothers became second nature to Jordan. She could always count on them when they went into a hot situation.

Honor whined then moved around them as if looking for a spot for her to join them.

“Honor, go get some water or something,” Rhys suggested.

The dog gave them another look before turning away and doing as she was commanded. Her food and water bowls were located across the patio.

“Why did you send her away?” Jordan chuckled.

“Because she or Nova is always getting your attention. It’s my night,” he said and tightened his hold on her.

She leaned into him, loving when he got in these moods.

“Don’t tell me you are jealous of your dog and your daughter.” Jordan grinned.

He narrowed his eyes on her, a scowl forming.

“I love spending time with the girls.”

“I know you do, but dammit, sometimes I need you to myself.” His lips brushed her shoulder again, but his focus was on the television.

There was another football game on. Jordan wasn’t a football fan, but her father was. She was used to the games being on their television. It didn’t matter who was playing, Cecil Knight would be watching the game.

“Are you sure about that?” she shot back. His attention would be on the game and not her. Rhys couldn’t fool her. Not that she minded. Today was his day off, and the man didn’t often relax. There was always something to do on the farm, or training he had to go to with Honor, or getting called in when not working his regular shifts.

“Does it feel like I’m lying?” He shifted his hips, and it was then something nudged her bottom.

Jordan inhaled sharply. After their afternoon romp in the bedroom, she didn’t think he would be ready so soon. She clamped her legs shut, already feeling the awakening of her nether region. She should have known better. She couldn’t think of a time when he hadn’t been ready for her.

“No,” she replied softly. She bit her bottom lip and tried to beat down her libido. Jordan allowed her body to relax back against his. The commentators on the television were excitedly talking about the matchup between the two rival teams. She didn’t mind watching the game with Rhys. It just felt good to not be doing anything but spending time with her man.

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