Page 128 of Dirty Ultimatum

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He had almost been too late.

When he’d reached the clearing, multiple gang members had tried to stop him. He’d been in such a frantic state to get to Jordan that he had made light work of each and every man who’d stepped in his way.

He glanced down at his knuckles which were still raw and red. He attempted to make a fist, but his joints were tight and swollen.

Rhys had finally found Bravon, but what he’d seen had sent a cold chill down him. The man was standing before Jordan with a gun aimed right at her and his dog.

“Too bad,” Bravon said.

Rhys skated to a halt, raised his weapon, and pulled the trigger. Bravon’s body jerked with each bullet slamming into his chest. Bright-red spots appeared. Bravon glanced down before looking up, his gaze connecting with Rhys’s. Bravon fell to his knees, keeling over onto the ground.

Jordan spun around in shock. Her face was bruised, her lip busted and bleeding, and she was covered in dirt from head to toe.

All that didn’t matter.

She was alive and breathing.

Rhys stalked toward her, not taking his eyes off her. He quickly sheathed his weapon just in time to catch Jordan throwing herself at him. Her small frame melted against his. Rhys had never been so scared before in his life.

“I didn’t think I was going to get to you in time,” he said.

“You were right on time.”

Once he was closer to her, he could see all of the damaged done to her. Someone had hit her multiple times, and her neck had even started to bruise. Imprints of fingers were appearing on her skin. Rhys glanced over at the dead gangbanger’s body. He was satisfied that it was his image that Bravon had seen last.

Lights out in the front yard caught his attention. Rhys peered out the window of the front door and saw Nova’s car park in the driveway. He unlocked the door and swung it open. He flipped the front porch light on before stepping outside.

“Dad,” Nova cried out. She slammed the driver’s door shut and raced up the front steps.

He opened his arms, and she flew into them.

“Hey, cupcake,” he murmured. He wrapped her up in a hug and bent down to drop a kiss on the top of her head.

Her body shook as she squeezed him tight. She pulled back slightly to stare up at him. Her eyes were red, and dried tear streaks lined her face.

“Are you and Jordan okay? It’s been all over the news about the prison break, police officers going missing, multiple shootings, and I couldn’t get a hold of either of you?—”

“We’re fine,” he said. He reached out and brushed away the new tears that appeared. It pained him that his daughter had to become involved in the craziness. He never wanted her to worry about him when he was on the job, but his child was a worry rat. “Banged up a little, but we are fine.”

“Where’s Jordan?” she asked. She ran a trembling hand through her pink-streaked hair. She glanced at the door before looking back at him. “Honor?”

“They’re both upstairs. Jordan is taking a bath and Honor is with her,” he replied.

Honor hadn’t left Jordan’s side since they had come home. The EMTs had taken Jordan to the local hospital to get a thorough checkup by the emergency room physicians. His discussion with Spook hadn’t lasted long. With the chaos that surrounded the scene, the mayor and the governor on the captain’s ass, he’d alerted Rhys that he was on paid leave until an investigation could be completed. Rhys was to report in to see him on Monday morning. That left Rhys free to go straight to the hospital to check in on Jordan.

According to the doctors, she was banged up pretty good, but no broken bones. She’d been released, but she hadn’t wanted to leave the hospital. Mac had been whisked away to emergency surgery, and they had stayed in the waiting room with Sarena and the MacArthur family. It hadn’t been a surprise that the entire SWAT team had showed up.

Jordan wouldn’t listen to him or her sister. They had tried to convince her to go home. She was not leaving the hospital until she was sure Mac would be okay. Omara was unable to convince Zain to leave either.

They’d all waited at the hospital until Sarena had alerted them that Mac had made it through surgery and was being transported to the intensive care unit. She had sent them all home with the promise to call and update.

“Okay. Daddy, I was so scared. I thought the worst. With everything that has been happening…” Her voice ended on a hiccup as more tears flowed.

He brought her back to him and held her tight.

“There is nothing that will ever keep us from coming back to you, cupcake,” he murmured.

He meant that. Jordan loved his daughter as if she were her own. There was nothing that he or Jordan wouldn’t do for this young lady right now. He didn’t want to think of her as a little girl, but she would always be that to him.

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