Page 126 of Dirty Ultimatum

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“You deserve this, bitch,” he hollered.

His spittle landed on her face. She clawed at his wrists but was unable to pry him off her. Jordan stretched out her arms, seeking anything she could use. Her palm connected with what felt like a rock. She gripped it tight and brought her hand up, connecting with the side of Bravon’s head. He released her as he fell to the side.

Jordan inhaled the most glorious air she’d ever breathed.

“You fucker,” she screamed.

She scrambled to her knees. Somehow the son of bitch was already on his feet. He stumbled and sneered at her. The fighting around them continued.

But Jordan didn’t need help.

She would handle this.

The guys were too busy with their own battles. Federal agents were capturing the gangsters who were trying to escape.

Bravon reached down and brought out a blade from his ankle.

Son of a bitch. It was Mac’s knife. How the hell did he get that?

“Fucker, am I?” He advanced on her.

Jordan staggered to her feet, ready to defend herself with only the rock in her hand. She had practiced fending off an assailant with a knife plenty of times.

But it would appear she wouldn’t need to. A growl came from out of nowhere. A brown-and-black body went sailing through the air.

Honor sank her canines into Bravon’s arm. His scream cut through the air. The force of Honor’s attack caused him to fall to the ground. The knife tumbled from his hand. Jordan dove and scooped it up. She needed a weapon, and this would do. She gripped the handle tight. She tossed the rock aside and stood.

“Honor,” she called the dog to her.

Honor immediately released Bravon who had been attempting to get the dog off him. If Honor was here, then where in the hell was Rhys? Her heart leaped at the thought of seeing him again. She had thought she would never get the chance, and now, she would.

Honor raced over to her and stood by her side.

“Good girl,” Jordan murmured. She gave the German Shepherd a pat on the head. Even though inside she wanted to send Honor back to him to attack him again.

Bravon sat up, and Jordan could have rolled her eyes.

“Stay down, Bravon.”

“Shut up, bitch,” he snapped. The arm that Honor had bitten was bleeding and hanging at his side. He stood and wavered in place. He reached behind him, and Jordan braced herself. She had the knife in her hand, positioned to protect herself. Honor growled, revealing her fangs.

Why wasn’t he giving up?

A gun appeared in his uninjured hand. He raised it and pointed it at her. Jordan bit back a curse. All she had was a damn knife while he was aiming a gun at her. Honor went crazy barking. Jordan took a step back and grabbed Honor’s harness with her free hand. She pushed the dog behind her. She didn’t want Honor to jump in front of the gun.

“Now look at you. You realized you made the wrong decision.” He lowered the gun partially and tilted his head to the side and studied her. “Too bad.”

He raised it again but never got the chance to pull the trigger. His body jerked repeatedly. Multiple shots rang out. Time seemed to stand still as Bravon’s arm fell to the side. The gun clattered to the dirt. Bright-red spots appeared on his chest. He stared down at them before looking over her shoulder.

Bravon fell to his knees, keeling over onto the ground. Jordan released Honor’s harness and spun around. Her heartleaped into her throat at the sight of Rhys standing with his gun raised.

Her man.

The love of her life had just saved hers.

He lowered his weapon and walked toward her. His eyes had yet to leave hers. She rushed to him, forgetting about everything else. She had to get to him. Rhys slid his gun back into his thigh sheath just as they arrived to each other.

Jordan practically vaulted into his arms.

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