Page 123 of Dirty Ultimatum

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There was no way he could stand on his own. Jordan bit her lip to hold back a cry of anger.

“A man of honor. I like that.” Viktor jerked his head to the men who stood behind Mac.

She watched, helpless, as the men forced Mac to his feet. They released him, and he wavered for a moment before righting himself. Mac glared at Viktor, meeting his gaze. Even in the face of death, the man held his head high.

Jordan tore her eyes from the scene and took in the face of every man who stood around. They were the enemies. She would see that they all paid for what was done today. Bravon’s hand snuck up to her face and forced it back around to watch Mac.

“Now don’t go turning your head away, baby,” Bravon breathed in her ear.

She struggled to get him off her, but he held firm on his hold of her. Jordan used everything she had to fight Bravon, but it wasn’t enough.

“You want to join him? I’m your only ticket out of here alive.”

Rhys’s image came to mind, and her heart broke. She’d never get to feel him hold her again. Never get to kiss him or tell him she loved him.

“I’d rather die than have you touch me again,” she said. Those tears that teetered on her eyelids fell. She wasn’tembarrassed by them running down her face as she stared at Mac. She had failed on the promise she had made to make sure this man returned to his wife and child. She didn’t want to think of the heartache Sarena would face or the simple fact that Nia would grow up without her father.

Jordan hoped Rhys would find someone else after she was gone. That man deserved a woman who would love him. She just wished that woman would have been her. A pain like nothing she had ever experienced spread across her chest. It made it hard for her to breathe.

“Is that so?” Bravon pushed her away with a force that sent her tumbling down onto the ground.

Her hands took the brunt of her fall, keeping her head from connecting with the hard, rocky ground. She ignored the stinging pain and pushed up on her elbows. With a cry, she army crawled toward Mac. Snickers and chuckles went around. She didn’t care at all what she looked like. If this was how they went out, then she’d stand by her sergeant who had been like an older brother to her.

It would be an honor to die with her brother in blue.

A large boot landed on the middle of her back.

“Oh, no. You get to watch first,” Bravon sneered.

Jordan screamed and tried to buck his damn foot off her back, but he leaned his full weight on her.

“What a day. It’s like Christmas. To put an end totheSergeant MacArthur,” Viktor hollered.

The men around them cheered. Jordan lifted her head and took in Mac. He was swaying on his feet. He wasn’t going to last long. She couldn’t tear her eyes away.

Viktor raised the rifle and aimed at Mac. “Goodbye, Sergeant MacArthur.”

A single shot rang out.

Jordan’s heart leaped into her throat. Mac stumbled back before collapsing to the ground.

“Mac!” Jordan screamed.

Bravon’s curse went ignored. His foot disappeared from her back. She rose and swiftly made her way to Mac. She slid on her knees, landing next to him. She cradled his head while she rested two fingers on his neck. His pulse was weak and thready. She didn’t see any bullet entry sight on him.

“What the hell?”

The silence in the air was defeating. She glanced up at the quietness to see Viktor stagger forward and drop the gun on the ground. A red coloring appeared on the center of his chest. The deep shade of scarlet spread along his shirt. His eyes were wide and his mouth slightly open as he fell to his knees.

“Viktor!” Bravon hollered. He ran over to his uncle and caught him before he hit the ground.

The men surrounding them brandished their weapons and were frantically looking around. Bravon lowered Viktor to the ground. He released a yell of pure anguish and pain. He reached up and gently closed his uncle’s lifeless eyes. He scanned the area before his gaze landed on her. A deep scowl appeared.

“You bitch!”

He pushed himself upright and stalked toward her. Jordan tensed and gently lowered Mac’s head to the ground.

“I’ll be right back, Mac. Please don’t die,” she whispered.

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