Page 112 of Dirty Ultimatum

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Mac jogged over to the stairs that led to the landing where the door was. He made his way up them and arrived at the door. Jordan moved around to the front of the car to ensure she had her sergeant’s back covered. Where the door was positioned, the ledge continued around the corner and was bathed in darkness. Mac gripped the handle and tugged.

The door didn’t budge.

A bullet slammed into the wall near Mac. Jordan spun on her heel and lifted her weapon. Someone was hidden in the dark farther down the tracks and had targeted Mac.

Jordan’s finger slipped onto her trigger and pulled. Her gun recoiled, but she was ready for it. Zain moved behind her and covered her back. He, too, fired off in the distance.

Another bullet sailed over their heads and hit the concrete wall near Mac as he continued to fight the door. It finally swung open. Mac flew inside with his gun raised.

“Knight,” Mac snapped. “Let’s go!”

Jordan lowered her weapon and glanced over at her sergeant who was standing inside a dark stairwell. He motioned for them to follow.

“Go!” Zain shouted.

More bullets flew over their heads. Jordan ducked down and raced toward the stairs. She paused on the first step and watched Zain post up against the front of the train car.

“Now, Knight. Go with Mac!”

She hightailed it up the few stairs and made it to the doorway. She aimed her gun and fired. A few of the gangbangers had appeared from behind the train car. Her bullet hit one of them in the chest. He flew back a few feet and crumpled to the floor.

“Roman!” she hollered. He needed to get his ass up there with them now. There was no way she was leaving without him or her other SWAT members. Stone and concrete flew in the airfrom a spray of bullets hitting the wall near her. She was yanked out of the way by Mac.

“We see Roman,” Declan growled in her ear. His voice was eerily calm as he barked orders to the SWAT members with him, but he only had two words for Mac and Jordan. “Keep. Moving.”

“We can’t leave them,” Jordan screamed.

“You heard Dec. We keep moving.” Mac got in her face, a deep scowl present. He pointed up the stairwell. “We don’t even know what lies up there. We need to check it out. If not, we are going back down there. Now get your shit together, Knight.”

Jordan inhaled sharply. Mac was right. They didn’t know where the stairs led. For all they knew it could be a dead end and the SWAT team would need to keep going farther down the tracks. She nodded and swallowed hard.

“Lead the way, sir,” she replied. This time she was back to herself. She had let her emotions get the best of her. She loved those men as if they were her blood brothers, and to leave them to fend for themselves while the gang was closing in on them was like asking her to snatch her heart out of her chest and leave it behind.

But Mac wouldn’t steer her wrong.

She glanced up the stairs and blew out a deep breath. It went up a few flights. Her hand tightened on her Glock. Her MP5 got left behind when she’d run out of ammo. She hadn’t had a choice. They had been walking fast, and she had to resort to her backup weapon.

Mac turned and began jogging up their long stairwell. She followed him but then paused when a slight beeping noise drew her attention back to the door. She pulled out her flashlight that was in her cargo pants.

“Mac.” Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of wires and red lights flickering. The series of beeps grew faster. She shook herhead and sheathed her gun. There was no fucking way their luck was this damn bad.

“Knight! Move. Now!” Mac yelled.

Jordan spun on her heel and drew on everything she had inside her to race up the stairs. She took them two at a time behind Mac, trying to put distance between them and the explosive.

“The door is rigged. Get away from it now!” Mac shouted into the comms.

The ground shook underneath them. Jordan cried out from the explosion. Her hand shot out and gripped the metal handrail. Her body fell back against the wall. She glanced back down where she had been standing moments before and couldn’t see anything through the dust and rubble.

Her eyes burned, and her chest grew tight. She coughed and tried to inhale, but she fell into another coughing fit. The dust was quickly filling the stairwell, making it hard to see and breathe.

“Knight. Are you good?” Mac asked.

Jordan pushed off the wall and stood. She could only make out his figure. Her legs trembled, but she gripped the handrail and started back up the stairs toward him.

“Yeah. What the fuck was that?”

“A fucking trap. They wanted us here,” Mac replied grimly. He stepped aside and allowed her to go up to the stairs above him.

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