Page 11 of Dirty Ultimatum

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Heat flared in his eyes at the mention of them showering together. If he joined her, there would be no lunch and they both would go hungry.

But a shower with Rhys would be worth the hunger pains.

Did they really need to eat?

“That is a tempting offer,” Rhys murmured.

Jordan entwined her fingers at the base of his neck. Unable to resist, she reached up and removed his hat and placed it on the counter behind her. She loved running her fingers though his thick hair. She combed them through to fix it. Her fingers glided through the silky strands. She pressed closer to him and kissed his chin.

“I will make it worthwhile.” Nope, they didn’t need to eat.

He wrapped his arms around her, securing him to her. By the feel of his hardened member, he might be taking her up on her offer. She popped another kiss on his chin. He tightened his grip on her, and from the glint in his eyes, he was slowly changing his mind.

“If the food isn’t on the grill yet, then we don’t have to worry about it burning.”

“You do make a sound argument.” Rhys chuckled.

“Oops, I didn’t hear you guys come in the house,” Nova’s voice sounded behind Jordan.

She turned and took in the pink streaked hair of the twenty-year-old leaning against the doorjamb.

“Look at you!” Jordan gasped. She grinned and released Rhys so she could take Nova in.

Nova met Jordan halfway into the kitchen. The girl was gorgeous and according to Rhys responsible for some of those gray hairs on his head. She ignored Rhys’s grumble about not getting five minutes of her time. Nova and Jordan shared a brief hug before Jordan switched her attention back to Nova’s hair.

“It’s so pretty. When did you have this done?”

“Yesterday.” Nova grinned. She ran her fingers through the chin-length strands before twirling around so Jordan could see the back. It was gorgeous, and whoever had done it knew their stuff.

“What did your father say when he saw it?” Jordan glanced over at Rhys who was leaning against the counter eyeing them.

“He says he loves it.” Nova shrugged. “I needed a change and wanted to do something drastic.”

“I’d say you achieved it.” Jordan laughed. A warm body bumped her legs, gaining her attention. Honor stood next to her, staring up at her with the biggest puppy eyes. Jordan reached down and gave her a good scratch. “And what did you think of your big sister’s hair?”

Honor barked her approval. Her butt swayed from side to side as her tail cut through the air.

“I like it. I’m going to have to do something to my hair.” Jordan stood straight and motioned to her head. She had been toying with the idea of having Omara do something drastic toit. She wasn’t sure she could pull off pink, but she was certainly thinking a dye job was in her immediate future.

“I’m not sure I can deal with two women in my life with pink hair.” Rhys sighed. His arms came around her waist and pulled her back to him.

Jordan settled back against him with a laugh.

“No, not pink. I was thinking of brighter highlights and a cut.” She shrugged. Her hands settled on his. She gave him a little squeeze. “Plus, I’m not sure how well pink would go over with the captain.”

Captain Spook would shit bricks if she came in with pink hair. It would be funny to see his and the SWAT team’s reaction to her new color. She may be a rebel, but she wasn’t brave enough to go against the captain with her antics.

“Good,” Rhys murmured. He dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

She loved how she fit so well in his arms. Nova’s smile widened as she watched the two of them. Something passed in the young girl’s eyes that Jordan couldn’t make out.

“Now go and shower while I get the rest of the food prepared.” He released her and gave her a slight nudge.

“Dad, I’m going over Jen’s house so you kids will have the place to yourself.” Nova grinned. She threw a large wink at Jordan. “And don’t worry about waiting up, I’m spending the night. There’s a band playing in Blythewood that we want to see.”

Jordan walked over to where her bag was resting and picked it up. She smiled at Nova, knowing the girl was trying to give them privacy. She appreciated Nova and the fact that she wanted her father to be happy. Jordan just hoped she continued to be that woman for him.

“Why do you need to spend the night?” Rhys frowned. He folded his arms. He was completely hot when in his dad role.

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