Page 103 of Dirty Ultimatum

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“It didn’t sound like it,” she replied. She snagged her duffle bag she kept prepped and ready for this type of call. It held all of her gear in it. She tossed it over to the door and went back in the closet and grabbed her holster for her gun and strapped it on her hip. She even took out her thigh holster and placed it on.

Moments later, she had her weapons sheathed in their holsters and was jogging down the stairs with Rhys and Honor behind her. While she had finished getting ready, he’d thrown on a pair of cotton basketball shorts. Jordan arrived at the front door and saw Iker’s truck idling. Honor came to her side and waited as if she expected Jordan to place her work harness on.

Rhys held her arm and pulled her back around. She tilted her head back, immediately hit with emotions. This wasn’t the first time he’d watched her go on a call, but somehow this was different. She hadn’t just been in an accident where the bad guys had purposely tried to take her life before.

“Be careful out there,” Rhys murmured.

“I always am,” she replied. Her heart raced watching the emotions play on his face. She leaned up on her tiptoes and pressed a hard kiss on his lips. “I gotta go.”

Jordan spun back on her heels and snatched open the door. She stalked across the porch and refused to look back. Honor whined as she followed Jordan, but the dog stopped at the stairs.

“Good morning, lovebirds,” Iker called out from the open window.

Jordan opened the passenger door and hopped in. She dropped her bag on the floor between her feet.

“Shut up,” Jordan replied.

She fought back the smile that threatened to come out. Now was not the time for joking. There was something in Declan’s voice that had hit a nerve with her. Rhys had his arms folded in front of his chest. He didn’t say a word. There was no need. He leaned against the pillar with Honor gazing up at him. Jordan gave a wave, and Iker peeled out down the long driveway.

It wasn’t until Iker made the turn at the main road that she faced him.

“What the hell is going on?” she asked. She reached for her safety belt and clipped it in place.

Iker was driving like a maniac. She had been too distracted with staring at Rhys that she hadn’t thought to put it on when she’d first hopped in. Iker’s truck was eating up the road as he sped along.

“Declan didn’t tell you?” Iker glanced over at her. He too was dressed in all black. All signs of joking had disappeared from his face. He gripped the steering wheel with one hand and focused on the road. “There’s riot at the prison. It looks like your boy may be trying to break his uncle out.”

A cold chill overtook her. They’d heard talk about a potential prison break where the Demon Lords would be trying to getViktor out. Security had been tight at the prison. They had taken all threats seriously over the years.

But it seemed as if they had finally decided to act on it. Jordan settled back and could think of nothing else. A calmness settled in her chest. This was it. Her team was the best there was, and they would go into this together like they did every situation.

As a team.

Jordan glanced over at Iker who eyed her.

“Are you ready, Knight?”

“As I’ll ever be.”

The sceneat the prison was utter madness. Jordan and the guys patiently waited for Mac and Declan to come back and report the plan for infiltrating the building. Jordan eyed the massive structure and tried to imagine the layout. They had already studied it and had to commit it to memory. It wasn’t a large facility, but it held enough offenders where the feds were there to offer backup. If Viktor truly had escaped, then the US Marshals would be taking over the manhunt.

“What’s taking them so long?” Zain muttered.

He came to stand next to Jordan. Mac and Declan were currently conversing with the head of the correctional officers, the US Marshals, CPD lieutenants in charge of maintaining the scene along with the FBI.

“Whatever it is, it can’t be good,” Jordan replied.

The guys were getting restless, as was she. They were all ready to go in and complete whatever mission was assigned to them. Jordan folded her arms and watched Mac nod to the USMarshals’ lead before he and Declan broke away from their small group.

“Here we go,” Myles murmured from behind Jordan.

“Listen up, team,” Mac began. He motioned over to the prison’s blueprint that was taped on the side of the BEAR.

Everyone gathered around so they could hear and see what the plan was.

“It would appear the Demon Lords have not only infiltrated the prison and overrun it, but they have also taken the warden, Louis Kovacs, as hostage. They are currently holed up in his office located here.” Mac circled the area where the administrative offices were located. He began giving instructions on how they could effectively enter the building and arrive to the fourth-floor office.

“Our main objective will be to retrieve Warden Kovacs. The correctional officers will maintain the rioting prisoners with the assistance of CPD and state police,” Declan announced.

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