Page 56 of Dalton

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Dalton rattled it off before disconnecting the call. He raced through the city. Lucky enough, she didn’t live far away from the station.

He just prayed he wasn’t too late.

Anya groaned. Her throat was on fire, and she couldn’t feel her arms. She cracked open her eyes and blinked a few times. The room was dark, making it hard for her to see.

When the hell did I get on the floor?

She remembered packing for her parents’ and then—

Her body jerked, and she immediately looked around for Glenn. Seeing no sign of him, she relaxed slightly.

It was then she noticed the handcuffs around her wrist and her hooked to the railing on her bed.

A piercing siren was going off, and she couldn’t place it.

Why is my vision so cloudy?

She blinked again, but it didn’t go away. She breathed in deeply and coughed.


It was the smoke alarms going off.

The building was on fire.

Her throat was raw and sore. She glanced around and found smoke filling her bedroom, the fire crackling outside her bedroom door.

Think, Anya.

She squinted around and didn’t see any possibility she would be able to get out safely. There was no way she could dissemble her bed to get free.

She was in trouble.

Panic filled her chest. She would have rather died by his hand than burn alive.

He did this.

There was no doubt about it.

The smoke was growing thicker. Anya yanked on the cuffs and tried to break free. She cried out, pulling with all her strength, but the damn things didn’t budge.

Tears blurred her vision. Her body racked with coughing as the air became too thick to breathe.

“Help!” she tried to scream, but her throat was severely damaged from Glenn. Her scream came out more of a peep.

No one would hear her.

Her gaze fell on the orange flames shooting up onto the ceiling out in the hallway. It would only be a matter of time until they arrived.

This was not how she imagined she would die. She’d always pictured herself growing old with the love of her life and having a bunch of kids. The vision had always been that she would be surrounded by all of her loved ones when it was her time to die.

Apparently, she wouldn’t get that wish. She was going to die alone and charred by fire.

Tears streamed down her face. She could barely see from the smoke and the tears. A sob choked her and escaped through her lips.

How would anyone know to look for her? The only person who knew she was coming here was her mom.

Her mother! Hopefully, she would call the police if Anya—

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